run.exec(cmd)调用的是RunTime下的方法,代码如下 publicProcess exec(String command)throwsIOException {returnexec(command,null,null); } 进而调用(我们只需看最后一行) publicProcess exec(String command, String[] envp, File dir)throwsIOException {if(command.length() == 0)thrownewIllegalArgumentException(...;;;publicclassShellCommandExecutor{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){try{// 创建ProcessBuilder对象ProcessBuilderprocessBuilder=newProcessBuilder();// 设置Shell命令processBuilder.command("ls","-l");// 启动进程Processprocess=p...
private static final String executeShellLogFile = basePath + "executeShell.log"; //发送文件到Kondor系统的Shell的文件名(绝对路径) private static final String sendKondorShellName = basePath + ""; public int executeShell(String shellCommand) throws IOException { int success = 0; ...
A few of the existing Qs that show shell commands that don't work inRuntime.execat least as-is: a command for is interpreted differently from linux command line and java process api Execute shell script multiple commands in one line using Process Builder in Java (Unix) ...
io.InputStreamReader; public class ExecuteCommand { public static void main(String[] args) { try { // 创建ProcessBuilder对象,并设置要执行的命令 ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("ls", "-l"); // 设置工作目录(可选) File("/path/to/directory")); // 启动进程 Process...
public class ExecuteCommand { public static void main(String[] args) { try { // 执行命令,多条命令可以用分号分隔 String command = “command1; command2; command3”; Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); // 获取命令执行的输出结果 ...
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try { //execute shell command: df -k . Process fileSystemDfInfo = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("df -k ...
在Java中执行Linux命令`su`,可以使用`Runtime.exec()`方法来实现。下面是一种可能的代码示例: “`java import; import; import; public class ExecuteCommand { public static void main(String[] args) { ...
*/publicintexec(Stringcmds)throwsException{InputStreamstdOut=null;InputStreamstdErr=null;StringoutStr="";StringoutErr="";intret=-1;try{if(login()){// Open a new {@link Session} on this connectionSessionsession=conn.openSession();// Execute a command on the remote machine.session.execCommand...