log.error("error, request: {}", parseParam(request), e); // 返回系统异常 Result<String> errorResult = Result.error(SystemErrorCodes.SYSTEM_ERROR.getCode(), pair.getLeft().getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + pair.getRight()); return new ResponseEntity<>(errorResult, HttpStatus.OK)...
* ErrorCodes solr may return. */publicvoidtestSolrExceptionCodeNotFromSolr()throwsIOException, SolrServerException{finalintstatus =527; assertEquals(status +" didn't generate an UNKNOWN error code, someone modified the list of validErrorCode's w/o changing this test to work a different way",Err...
importcom.onedrive.sdk.core.OneDriveErrorCodes;//导入依赖的package包/类@SuppressWarnings("deprecation")@OverridepublicvoidonReceivedError(finalWebView view,finalinterrorCode,finalString description,finalString failingUrl){super.onReceivedError(view, errorCode, description, failingUrl);finalString errorMessage...
codes.add(Integer.valueOf(30)); codes.add(Integer.valueOf(40)); 正确的写法: int[] codes = { 10, 20, 30, 40 }; 错误的写法: // horribly slow and a memory waster if l has a few thousand elements (try it yourself!) List<Mergeable> l = ...; for (int i=0; i < l.size()...
sql.setGuarantees(String.join(",", request.getGuaranteeCodes())); }if(!sql.isAllFiledsNull()) { sql.setId(request.getGoodsId()); goodsFacade.update(sql); }// 2.更新商品分类信息updateCategoryGoods(request.getStoreId(), request.getGoodsId(), request.getCategoryIds());// 3.更新商品标...
Reference documentation for the event grid service can be found here. This is a good place to start for problems involving configuration of topics/endpoints, as well as for problems involving error codes from the service.Distributed TracingThe Event Grid library supports distributing tracing out of ...
When processing exceptions and errors, you can use the exception type itself and the error code to distinguish between exceptions. For a list of error codes, seeMicrosoft Entra authentication and authorization error codes. During the sign-in experience, you may encounter errors about consents, Condi...
The OBS server complies with the HTTP standard. After an API is called, the OBS server returns a standard HTTP status code. The following tables list the categories of HT
An error occurred while stopping Server1. Check the error logs for more information. 缺省值是 5000(5 秒)。 如果您决定使用此定制属性,那么可以将其指定为应用程序服务器、Node Agent 或 Deployment Manager 的 JVM 定制属性。 通常将其设置为应用程序服务器 JVM 定制属性。
valIn IValList object containing input parameters and other information. During the execute( ) method, an AppLogic can access items in the IValList to retrieve the arguments passed into the request. valOut IValList object containing output parameters. During the execute( ) method, the AppLogic ...