java 注解 attribute value must be constant 文心快码BaiduComate Java 注解中 "attribute value must be constant" 的解释及解决方案 1. 解释含义 在Java 中,注解(Annotation)是一种用于类、方法、变量、参数等元素的元数据形式。注解的属性值必须是常量表达式,这是因为在注解处理阶段(Annotation Processing),这些值...
java 注解Attribute value must be constant java注解不生效 在同一个类中,一个方法调用另外一个有注解(比如@Async,@Transational)的方法,注解是不会生效的。 比如,下面代码例子中,有两方法,一个有@Async注解,一个没有。第一次如果调用了有注解的test()方法,会启动@Async注解作用;第一次如果调用testAsync(),...
@Retryable(maxAttempts=maxAttempt, value=RuntimeException.class, backoff = @Backoff(delay =delay,multiplier = multiplier, maxDelay = maxDelay)) maxAttempt=3 delay=3 max-delay=9 multiplier=2 However I get Attribute Value must be constantspring...
public static final int MYENUMSIMUL_CONSTANT = MyEnumSimulation.APPLE; ... @MyAnnotation(theEnumSimulation = MYENUMSIMUL_CONSTANT, theInt = INT_CONSTANT, theString = STRING_CONSTANT) public void methodB() { ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 而且我可以在代码中的其他任何地方使...
@RequestParam 里的defaultvalue传MAX_LONG_AS_STRING的时候提示错误attribute value must be a constant.可是我已经在上面设置MAX_LONG_AS_STRING为静态的了,为什么还会这样提醒。相反,如果我把上方设置成 private static final String MAX_LONG_AS_STRING = "50"; 就不会报错. 求解这是为什么?如果涉及到编译和运行...
Attributes RegisterAttribute Implements IJavaObject IJavaPeerable IStatement IWrapper IDisposable RemarksAn object that represents a precompiled SQL statement. A SQL statement is precompiled and stored in a PreparedStatement object. This object can then be used to efficiently execute this statement ...
"The value for annotation attribute Array.value must be a constant" How can I solve the issue? The Java version I use is jdk1.7.0_09 Hi@igler, Thanks for your report! Could you please reproduce a self-sufficient C source snippet which leads to such generated code?
Note that for a particular enum classT, the implicitly declaredpublic static T valueOf(String)method on that enum may be used instead of this method to map from a name to the corresponding enum constant. All the constants of an enum class can be obtained by calling the implicitpublic static...
</typesafeEnumMember> namemust always be specified and must be a legal Java identifier. valuemust be the enumeration value specified in the source schema. <javadoc>customizes the Javadoc tool annotations for the enumeration constant. For inline annotations, the<typesafeEnumClass>declaration must be ...
@RequestParam 里的defaultvalue传MAX_LONG_AS_STRING的时候提示错误attribute value must be a constant.可是我已经在上面设置MAX_LONG_AS_STRING为静态的了,为什么还会这样提醒。相反,如果我把上方设置成 private static final String MAX_LONG_AS_STRING = "50"; 就不会报错. 求解这是为什么?如果涉及到编译和运行...