>objClass=obj.getClass();for(Fieldfield:objClass.getDeclaredFields()){if(field.isAnnotationPresent(TwoDecimalPlaces.class)){// 处理字段field.setAccessible(true);try{doublevalue=field.getDouble(obj);doubleroundedValue=Math.round(value*100.0)/100.0;field.set(obj,roundedValue);}catch(IllegalAccessExc...
importjava.text.DecimalFormat;publicclassTwoDecimalPlaces{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){DecimalFormatdecimalFormat=newDecimalFormat("#0.00");// 设置小数位数为两位doublenumber=123.456;// 输入一个小数StringformattedNumber=decimalFormat.format(number);System.out.println("原始数字: "+number);System.out.pri...
TwoDecimalPlace2.java publicclassTwoDecimalPlace2 { publicstaticvoidmain(String args[]) { //defining a number of type double doublenum =10.98765432167; System.out.println("Double Number: "+ num); //use either of the following two statements for two decimal places both gives the same result ...
new Double("12.00") will create a Double with a value of 12d, and doubleValue() will simply return primitive double value 12d. Furthermore, using .## means that the value will be rounded off to 2 decimal places, but if you have a value with less than 2 decimal places, it will not...
One of the objects, has an amount property, of type Double. (I know that Double should not be used as a monetary amount. However, this is not my code.) In the JSON output, I'd like to restrict the amount to 2 decimal places. Currently it is shown as: "amount":...
BigDecimal bigDecimal=newBigDecimal(numStr);double doubleNum=bigDecimal.setScale(2,BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();/** * String s=String.format("%.2f",d); *若double d=0.6566,输出结果为0.66; *若double d=0,输出结果为0.00; */String keepTwoDecimalPlaces=String.format("%.2f",double...
Java的浮点类型分为单精度浮点型float和双精度浮点型double两种 float占据四个字节(byte),也就是32位(bit) double占据八个字节(byte),也就是64位(bit) FloatLimits.java演示Java两种浮点类型的表示范围和占据内存字节数 package net.ittimeline.java.core.foundational.syntax.variable.type.primitive; /** * Java...
However, to format the output of a double to two decimal places, simplyuse theprintfmethodand%.2fas the specifier. public classJavaDoublePrecision {/* Print Java double to 2 decimals of precision. */public static voidmain(String[] args) {doublebig= 1234.12345;floatsmall= 1234.12345f;System....
There are multiple ways to round a double or float value into 2 decimal places in Java. You can use one of the following methods: The DecimalFormat class The BigDecimal class The String.format() method The Math.round() method Note: If you are formatting a currency, always use the ...