JSP is an integral part of Java EE. If you are giving an interview for a web developer, then having good knowledge of JSP is very important. This post contains a list of 35 JSP interview questions with answers. Please make sure to bookmark it because I will be kept on adding more to...
Here comes the main part. Now, as we know that two unequal objects can have the same hash code value, how two different objects will be stored in the same array location [called bucket]. The answer isLinkedList. If you remember, Entry class had an attribute “next”. This attribute alwa...
It is not mandatory to define a Functional Interface with@FunctionalInterfaceannotation. If we don’t want, We can omit this annotation. However, if we use it in Functional Interface definition, Java Compiler forces to use one and only one abstract method inside that interface. Why do we need...
题源参见 Grokking The Java Developer Interview: Question 15: Difference between error and exception Answer: Error: Errors in a program are irrecoverable, they indicate that something severe has gone wrong in the application and the program gets terminated in case of error occurrence e.g. running ...
题源参见 Grokking The Java Developer Interview: Question 15: Difference between error and exception Answer: Error: Errors in a program are irrecoverable, they indicate that something severe has gone wrong in the application and the program gets terminated in case of error occurrence e.g. running ...
Looking forward to appear in Java Interview, here are the key Java Interview Questions with Answers only for you. - aatul/Java-Interview-Questions-Answers
https://www.zhihu.com/question/484022509/answer/3181501846 101.多个服务,有一个宕机如何处理 https://blog.51cto.com/JavaEdge/3005343 http://www.manongjc.com/detail/32-bwccnawodubdual.html https://www.lsjlt.com/news/210750.html https://www.eolink.com/news/post/53129.html ...
8. What is difference between Executor.submit() and Executer.execute() method ? This Java interview question is from my list of Top 15 Java multi-threading question answers, Its getting popular day by day because of huge demand of Java developer with good concurrency skill. Answer of this Ja...
6What is similarities/difference between an Abstract class and Interface? 6.1Similarities 6.1.1They can be used to implement the polymorphism. 6.1.2Both of them can not be instantiated. 6.2Differences 6.2.1Interface can be used to implement the multiple inheritances while the abstract can not. ...
Java interview questions have been a critical component of technical hiring for decades. If you’re a developer or engineer on the job market, the ability to demonstrate your Java skills in an interview is critical to landing your next role. ...