这款反编译器叫 "Java Decompiler", 由 Pavel Kouznetsov开发,目前最新版本为1.1.0. 它由 groovy开发,并且官方可以下载 windows 展开 收起 暂无标签 Java 等3 种语言 GPL-3.0 保存更改 取消 发行版 暂无发行版 Java-Decompiler 开源评估指数 生产力 创新力 稳健性 协作 贡献者 软件 贡献者 (11...
java.decompiler.[id] (replace [id] with the ID of the decompiler you wish to configure): additional configuration to provide to the decompiler. The format depends on the chosen decompiler. Use the autocomplete functionality of Visual Studio Code's settings to view the possible options and their...
jadx- Dex to Java decompiler Command line and GUI tools for producing Java source code from Android Dex and Apk files Warning Please note that in most casesjadxcan't decompile all 100% of the code, so errors will occur. CheckTroubleshooting guidefor workarounds. ...
jadx- Dex to Java decompiler Command line and GUI tools for producing Java source code from Android Dex and Apk files Warning Please note that in most casesjadxcan't decompile all 100% of the code, so errors will occur. CheckTroubleshooting guidefor workarounds. ...
This is the public repository for the CFR decompiler, main site hosted at benf.org/other/cfr CFR will decompile modern Java features - including much of Java 9, 12 & 14, but is written entirely in Java 6, so will work anywhere! (FAQ) - It'll even make a decent go of turning clas...
For kotlin code, Intellij's built in bytecode decompiler works. If you build your kotlin project and open a .class file, you can use Tools->Kotlin->Decompile Kotlin to Java. To make life easier, I've just added a shortcut to quickly perform this action. 0 oppaerich11.05.2017 Hmm, ...
// Decompiler options: packimports(3) // Source File Name: JavaPTest.java package com.wang.test.demo.putong; public class JavaPTest { public JavaPTest() { string = (new StringBuilder()).append(new String("wang")) .append(new String("zhjen")).toString(); ...
java-decompiler.github.io http://java-decompiler.github.io Java反编译的顶级项目,其组织释出的得意之作: jd-gui : GUI反编译工具。JD-GUI是一个独立的图形实用程序,显示“class”文件的Java源代码。您可以使用JD-GUI浏览重构的源代码,以便即时访问方法和字段。 jd-eclipse : JD-Eclipse是用于Eclipse平台的...
Jad(JAva Decompiler)是一个Java的反编译器,可以通过命令行把Java的class文件反编译成源代码。 目录一、下载文件二、配置环境变量三、测试四、使用示例五、使用命令 一、下载文件下载地址:https://varaneckas.com/jad/ 二、配置环境变量下载好后可以放到JDK安装环境,当然这个可以随意。 配置环境变量:配置环境变量的...
org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServletDecompiledwithFernflower-Jetbrainsdecompiler.// package org.springframework.web.servlet;publicclassDispatcherServletextendsFrameworkServlet{// ...protectedvoiddoDispatch(HttpServletRequestrequest,HttpServletResponseresponse)throwsException{// ...}// ...}...