首先,创建一个ByteArrayOutputStream对象和一个ObjectOutputStream对象,用于将对象序列化为字节流。然后,调用writeObject方法将对象写入字节流,再使用toByteArray方法将字节流转换为byte数组。最后,关闭流并返回byte数组。 在main方法中,我们创建了一个示例对象MyClass,并调用convertToByteArray方法将其转换为byte数组。最后,...
public byte[] objectToByte(Object obj) { byte[] bytes; try { ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oo = new ObjectOutputStream(bo); oo.writeObject(obj); bytes = bo.toByteArray(); bo.close(); oo.close(); } catch(Exception ae) { throw ae; } r...
FileOutputStream(someFile);fos.write(bytes);fos.flush();fos.close();}} Why would someone like to convert a file to byte array? There are various applications of this conversion. For example, convert file into byte to save into database,transfer file to other system using web service, etc...
ObjectInputStream ois = null; try { //写入字节流 ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); obs = new ObjectOutputStream(out); obs.writeObject(obj); //分配内存,写入原始对象,生成新对象 ByteArrayInputStream ios = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()); ois = new ObjectI...
How can I reliably convert the tcpPacket object to a byte array so that i can store it in the IpPacket's data field? And upon receiving the packet on the other side, how to reliably convert it back into a packet object? public static final class TcpPacket { int source; int ...
If I convert that string again to byte array, values I am getting are different from original byte array values. What can I do to get proper conversion? Code I am using to do the conversion is as follows: // Code to convert byte arr to str:byte[] by_original = {0,1,-2,3,-4...
1.使用ByteArrayStream 和 ObjectStream publicabstractclassByteConvert{publicbyte[]getByte(){try(ByteArrayOutputStreamout=newByteArrayOutputStream();ObjectOutputStreamobjectOutputStream=newObjectOutputStream(out)){objectOutputStream.writeObject(this);objectOutputStream.flush();returnout.toByteArray();}catch(...
To convert from string to byte array, use String.getBytes() method. Please note that this method uses the platform’s default charset. //String String string = "Java Tutorials"; //Convert string to byte[] byte[] bytes = string.getBytes(); Base64 class in Java 8 Base64.getDecoder()....
java 各类型转换 convert 1、Object TO List<?> java中如果需要将一个object转成list,大部分人会直接使用强制类型转换:(List<String>) obj这样。这样强制转换编译会提示Unchecked cast: 'java.lang.Object' to 'java.util.List<java.lang.String>',编译器的意思该强制类型转换并未做类型校验,强制转换并不安全,...
I want to convert a byte array to a Mat object. It's OK for me to write the following code ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(img); BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(in); OpenCVFrameConverter.ToMat openCVConverter = new OpenCVFrameConverter.ToMat(); Java2DFrameConverter...