longlongValue=positiveValue; 1. 4. 示例 下面是一个完整的示例代码,将一个字符串转换为唯一的长整型值: importjava.math.BigInteger;importjava.security.MessageDigest;importjava.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;publicclassStringToLongConverter{publicstaticlongconvertToLong(Stringstr){try{byte[]bytes=str.getByte...
* convert signed 4 bytes into a 32-bit integer *@parambuf bytes buffer *@parampos beginning byte> for converting *@returnconvert result */ publicstaticlongunsigned4BytesToInt(byte[] buf,intpos) { intfirstByte=0; intsecondByte=0; intthirdByte=0; intfourthByte=0; intindex=pos; firstByte=...
* convert signed 4 bytes into a 32-bit integer * @param buf bytes buffer * @param pos beginning byte> for converting * @return convert result */ public static long unsigned4BytesToInt(byte[] buf, int pos) { int firstByte = 0; int secondByte = 0; int thirdByte = 0; int fourthByt...
publicstaticbyte[] longToBytes(longx) { buffer.putLong(0, x); returnbuffer.array(); } publicstaticlongbytesToLong(byte[] bytes){ buffer.put(bytes,0, bytes.length); buffer.flip();//need flip returnbuffer.getLong(); } 测试代码: //测试 long 转 byte 数组 longlong1=2223; byte[] by...
* bytes buffer * @param byte[]中开始转换的位置 * @return convert result */ public static long unsigned4BytesToInt(byte[] buf, int pos) { int firstByte = 0; int secondByte = 0; int thirdByte = 0; int fourthByte = 0; int index = pos; ...
1 工具类 代码语言:javascript 复制 /** * 字节转换 * * @param size 字节大小 * @return 转换后值 */publicStringconvertFileSize(long size){long kb=1024;long mb=kb*1024;long gb=mb*1024;if(size>=gb){returnString.format("%.1f GB",(float)size/gb);}elseif(size>=mb){float f=(float)...
return bos.toByteArray(); } 2.2 ByteBuffer private long convertByteArrayToLong(byte[] longBytes){ ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(longBytes); byteBuffer.flip(); return byteBuffer.getLong(); } 2.3 Shift operations private static byte[] longtoBytes(long data) { ...
首先在代码风格上,Convert作了一个统一,统一使用Convert类作为工具类进行类型转换,而无需使用每个类型对应的包装类。 当然了,Convert类的作用可远不止如此,比如: 将数组转换为任意类型的数组。 对于集合,Convert同样支持转换: 还有日期类型: 关于日期的处理,HuTool为我们提供了专门的工具类,这个我们放到后面说。
2019-12-19 19:44 −package main import ( "fmt" "unsafe" ) type TestStructTobytes struct { data int64 s int8 } type SliceMock struct { addr uintptr len i... 离地最远的星 0 1278 C#中Base64转换为byte[]再进行处理 2019-12-16 09:35 −byte[] arr = Convert.FromBase64String(tem...
Converts the argument to a long by an unsigned conversion. UnregisterFromRuntime() (Inherited from Object) ValueOf(SByte) Returns a Byte instance representing the specified byte value. ValueOf(String, Int32) Returns a Byte object holding the value extracted from the specified String when pa...