简单介绍Adobe Experience Manager使用的Java Content Repository (JCR)。 JCR是AEM技术栈栈的基本级别,负责底层内容持久性、存储、搜索、访问控制等!有关此主题的更多帮助 AEM架构栈栈简介 上一页osgi 下一页Sling Experience Manager Expand all sections ...
JCR (Java™ Content Repository) 2.0 API是JCR实现的规范的一部分(在AEM中,为Apache Jackrabbit Oak)。 所有JCR实施都必须符合并实施这些API,因此,它是与AEM内容进行交互的最低级别API。 JCR本身是一种基于分层/树的NoSQL数据存储,AEM将其用作内容存储库。 JCR具有大量受支持的API,从内容CR...
Nodes in the repository are subject to naming conventions of theJava Content Repository. However AEM imposes further conventions for the name of page nodes. Naming Conventions for Pages These naming conventions are implemented at various levels: JcrUtil: the AEM implementation of theJCR utilities....
要成功调用AEM Forms服务,请设置以下连接属性: DSC_DEFAULT_EJB_ENDPOINT:如果您使用EJB连接模式,此值表示部署AEM Forms的J2EE应用程序服务器的URL。 要远程调用AEM Forms,请指定部署AEM Forms的J2EE应用程序服务器名称。 如果您的客户端应用程序位于同一J2EE应用程序...
发布JCR节点是指在Java Content Repository(JCR)中创建和保存节点。以下是使用Java代码发布JCR节点的步骤: 1. 导入必要的JCR库和依赖项: ```java ...
client.AEMHeadlessClient ... AEMHeadlessClient aemHeadlessClient = new AEMHeadlessClient("http://localhost:4503"); ... If a non-standard GraphQL endpoint is used on AEM side, the endpoint may contain a full path: aemHeadlessClient = new AEMHeadlessClient("http://localhost:4503/content/...
void deleteContent(ILoginSettings loginSettings, java.lang.String objectStoreName, java.lang.String documentGUIDOrPath) Deletes a document/Folder from the IBM FileNet repository. java.util.List getAllItemsList(java.lang.String objectStoreName, ...
EMC Documentum Content Repository Connector service client interface: This interface contains all methods that can be invoked on the service using the service client Method Summary java.lang.String createFolders(ILoginSettings loginSettings, java.l...
Cannot serve request to /content/<site>/<path-to-page>/jcr:content/<path-to-component>.model.json in org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet The most likely cause is that your sling model is not actually deployed to AEM. To validate, first check the bundles console in AEM at/syst...
import net.itaem.department.entity.Department; /** * 自动代码生成器 * 1、代码生成器需要做的功能: * 给出Entity,生成Mybatics Mapper,生成成Dao层,service层,以及controller层,以及jsp文件 * * 生成的这些文件中,全部都是骨架代码,开发时需要根据具体要求添加业务逻辑代码即可 * @author luohong 846705189@qq...