下面是一个使用Set数据结构判断两个List是否存在重复项的示例代码: importjava.util.ArrayList;importjava.util.HashSet;importjava.util.List;importjava.util.Set;publicclassCompareTwoLists{publicstaticbooleanhasDuplicate(List<Integer>list1,List<Integer>list2){Set<Integer>set1=newHashSet<>(list1);Set<Intege...
这时可以使用自定义的比对方法来实现。 publicbooleancompareLists(List<User>list1,List<User>list2){if(list1.size()!=list2.size()){returnfalse;}for(Useruser1:list1){booleanfound=false;for(Useruser2:list2){if(user1.getId().equals(user2.getId())){found=true;break;}}if(!found){returnfa...
List<String> secondList = Arrays.asList("b", "c", "a", "c"); assertTrue(compareListsIgnoringOrder(new ArrayList(firstList), new ArrayList<>(secondList))); 5.结论 在单元测试中,需要比较两个Java列表的顺序是否被忽略,这是一个常见的需求,其中两个列表来自不同的来源,我们必须检查两个列表是否...
Learn tocompare two ArrayListin Java to find if they contain equal elements. If both lists are unequal, we will find thedifference between the lists. We will also learn to find common as well as different items in each list. Note that the difference between two lists is equal to a third...
In Java, especially in Unit Testing, we often must assert if a List contains the expected elements in a specific order. This tutorial quickly demonstrates how to compare two JavaArrayListsfor equality using some of the most popular Unit Tests frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, and AssertJ. ...
That’s all about checking if two lists are equal in Java. Also See: Compare two lists for equality in Java, ignoring order Use equal objects as a key in HashMap or HashSet in Java Rate this post Submit Rating Average rating4.67/5. Vote count:12 ...
Lists in Java are ordered by nature. So, two lists are considered to be equal if they contain the exact same elements in the same order. In this tutorial, we’ll see how to compare two Lists for equality in Java. We’ll also cover ways in which we can just compare the elements in...
二、Comparator有一个方法需要实现:int compare(T o1, T o2) Compares its two argumentsfororder. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integerasthe first argumentisless than, equal to, or greater than the second 三、Comparator的实例代码如下 ...