开始进入主要逻辑,lastUpdate是上次走过的时间,在游戏开始g_gameStatus == STATUS.START后不断将dt积累到变量stepUpdateCounter,超过一帧的间隔后执行一帧逻辑stepUpdate(),setInterval是内部函数,第二个参数表示调用的时间间隔,默认为0,可以可以认为是游戏中常用的tick()函数 // step定时器 function stepUpdate() {...
public static final String ACTION_COMMAND_KEY "ActionCommandKey" public static final String DEFAULT "Default" public static final String DISPLAYED_MNEMONIC_INDEX_KEY "SwingDisplayedMnemonicIndexKey" public static final String LARGE_ICON_KEY "SwingLargeIconKey" public static final String LONG_DESCRIPTION...
Added a network protocol feature for forcing bundle of packets to be processed within same client tick 加入了一个新的网络协议功能,用于将打包起来的数据包强制在客户端侧的同刻中处理 Added --pidFile argument to dedicated server command line for printing process id to file 为专用服务器命令行加入了...
To set a breakpoint on a line of code, click in the gutter area or use the shortcutCtrl+F8( Windows/Linux) or⌘F8(macOS). If you don’t want to stop execution every time it reaches a breakpoint, you can define a condition for the breakpoint. For example, let’s add a breakpo...
public static final int BEST_SPEED 1 public static final int DEFAULT_COMPRESSION -1 public static final int DEFAULT_STRATEGY 0 public static final int DEFLATED 8 public static final int FILTERED 1 public static final int HUFFMAN_ONLY 2 public static final int NO_COMPRESSION 0java...
We could useFind Action(Shift+Ctrl+Aor⇧⌘A) again to rearrange the file, or reformat the file and tick the rearrange code option. But we can also useSearch Everywhere(Shift+Shiftor⇧⇧) and type “rearrange”. Once we’ve called the rearrange code action, we’ll see that our pr...
Support for connecting Azure Storage account with connection string and managing them in both Services view and Project Explorer. Fixed #8205: Could not emit tick xxx due to lack of requests (interval doesn't support small downstream requests that replenish slower than the ticks) [azure-sdk-for...
support for minor tick marks; mapping datasets to more than one axis; an important fix for theXYSeriesclass (relating to theaddOrUpdate()method); plus numerous other bug fixes. This release passes 1996 JUnit test (0 failures) on JRE 1.6.0_10. ...
int sendcommand(String printerCommand); int setup(String width, String height, String speed, String density, String sensor, String vertical, String offset); int downloadpcx(String filename, String image_name); int barcode(String x, String y, String type, String height, String readable, String ...
State value Blocks Boolean (false or true) Command Block (any variant) delayThe amount of time between receiving a signal and responding. State value Blocks Integer (1 to 4) Redstone Repeater disarmedWhether the tripwire is broken using shears or not. ...