Collections.copy(objs, ints);assertobjs.toString().equals("[5, 6, four]");// 第9行代码也可以写成如下,都是类型正确的Collections.<Object>copy(objs, ints); Collections.<Number>copy(objs, ints); Collections.<Integer>copy(objs, ints); 2.4 The Get and Put Principle 在其他地方也被称为PEC...
2.1 Subtyping and the Substitution Principle 里氏替换原则,子类可以用在需要父类的地方。 Substitution Principle: a variable of a given type may be assigned a value of any subtype of that type, and a method with a parameter of a given type may be invoked with an argument of any subtype of t...
6.6 The Principle of Indecent Exposure Although it is an error to create an array with a component type that is not reifiable, it is possible to declare an array with such a type and to perform an unchecked cast to such a type. a library should never publicly expose an array with a ...
Generics and the greatlyexpanded collection libraries have tremendously increased the power ofJava 5 and Java 6. But they have also confused many developers whohaven't known how to take advantage of these new features. Java Generics and Collections covers everything f... (展开全部) Java Generics...
Java Generics and Collections: Evolution, Not Revolution, Part 2Philip WadlerMaurice Naftalin
Chapter 1. Introduction A Note for Early Release Readers With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest form—the author’s raw and unedited content as they write—so you can … - Selection from Java Generics and Collections, 2nd Edition [Bo
这就是Maurice Naftalin在他的《Java Generics and Collections》这本书中所说的存取原则,以及Joshua Bloch在他的《Effective Java》这本书中所说的PECS法则。 Bloch提醒说,这PECS是指”Producer Extends, Consumer Super”,这个更容易记忆和运用。 ...
容器,就是可以容纳其他Java对象的对象。Java Collections Framework(JCF)为Java开发者提供了通用的容器,其始于JDK 1.2,优点是: 降低编程难度 提高程序性能 提高API间的互操作性 降低学习难度 降低设计和实现相关API的难度 增加程序的重用性 Java容器里只能放对象,对于基本类型(int, long, float, double等),需要将其...
泛型(Generics) 泛型是Java 5引入的一项新特性,它允许我们在定义类、接口和方法时使用类型参数。在集合框架中,泛型的使用使得我们可以指定集合中元素的类型,从而避免了类型转换的错误,并提高了代码的可读性和安全性。 示例代码: 并发集合(Concurrent Collections) ...
To fully grasp the power of Java Collections, it’s essential to understand the underlying concepts, such as interfaces, generics, and iterators. Understanding Interfaces in Java Collections The Java Collections Framework is designed around several core interfaces, namely Collection, List, Set, Queue,...