摘要 在密码学中,凯撒密码(英语:Caesar cipher),或称凯撒加密、凯撒变换、变换加密,是一种最简单且最广为人知的加密技术。它是一种替换加密的技术,明文中的所有字母都在字母表上向后(或向前)按照一个固定数目进行偏移后被替换成密文。例如,当偏移量是3的时候,所有的字母A将被替换成D,B变成E,以此类推。这个加...
int DECODE(char* ciphertext, int key){ assert(ciphertext != NULL); int sz = 0; for(sz=0;ciphertext[sz]!='\0';sz++); int i = 0; for(i = 0 ; i < sz ; i++) { if(ciphertext[i] >= 'A' && ciphertext[i] <= 'Z') { ciphertext[i] = ((ciphertext[i]-'A')-key...
有问题的循环是:for(int k=1;k<=mod;k++). 方法中使用的字符串是"abcd".输出图像包含在下面public static String encrypt(String plainText){ plainText=plainText.toLowerCase(); String text=""; for(int i=0;i<plainText.length();i++) { if(i==0) { int letterPosition=ALPHABET.indexOf(plai...
长度必须为8个字节(字符) byte[] secretKeyBytes = "12345678".getBytes(); //secretKeyBytes = generateSecretKey("DES", 56); // Cipher:获取密码对象,参数按"算法/模式/填充模式" Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance
Code Snippet Decryption (Breaking Down Caesar Cipher to Original Form) Now we will process the cipher message which is encrypted by Caesar cipher to break it down to its original message form. There will be a shiftKey given, using which we can shift each character back to get the original ...
Ciphercipher=Cipher.getInstance(algorithName);Ciphercipher=Cipher.getInstance(algorithName, providerName); JDK 中是由名为 “ SunJCE ” 的提供商提供密码的,如果没有指定其他提供商,则会默认为该提供商。如果要使用特定的算法,而对该算法 Oracle 公司没有提供支持,那么也可以指定其他的提供商 ...
在密码学中,恺撒密码(英语:Caesar cipher),或称恺撒加密、恺撒变换、变换加密,是一种最简单且最广为人知的加密技术。它是一种替换加密的技术,明文中的所有字母都在字母表上向后(或向前)按照一个固定数目进行偏移后被替换成密文。例如,当偏移量是3的时候,所有的字母A将被替换成D,B变成E,以此类推。这个加密方法...
ciphertext.append(matrix[row2][col1]); } } return ciphertext.toString(); } public String decrypt(String ciphertext) { StringBuilder plaintext = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < ciphertext.length(); i += 2) { char char1 = ciphertext.charAt(i); char char2 = ciphertext...
A Caesar cipher is one of the simplest encryption methods. It is a substitution method in which each letter in the text is replaced by a letter a fixed number of positions down in the alphabet. If the shift takes you past the letter z th...