importjava.util.regex.Matcher; importjava.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Java Program to show example of how to use regular expression * to check if Stringcontains any number or not. Instead of * using matches() method of java.lang.String,we have used Pattern ...
Java code --> Check if String contains subString PrefixSuffix Java code --> Check if String starts with prefix Java code --> Check if String ends with suffix RegularExpressions Java code --> Check String with regex Traveling the String Evaluation 状态图 下面是一个使用mermaid语法中的stateDiagram...
importjava.util.regex.Matcher;importjava.util.regex.Pattern;publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Stringtext="Hello, world!";Stringregex="world";Patternpattern=Pattern.compile(regex);Matchermatcher=pattern.matcher(text);if(matcher.find()){System.out.println("The text contains the regex...
// Java Program to Check If String Contains Only Alphabets // Using Regular Expression // Main class class GFG { // Method 1 // To check String for only Alphabets public static boolean isStringOnlyAlphabet(String str) { return ((str != null) && (!str.equals("")) && (str.matches(...
使用String.matches方法判断是否包含子串,注意正则表达式元字符的转义 boolean matches(String regex) Tells whether or not this string matches the given regular expression. if (str.matches(".*"+sub+".*")) { // do something } StringUtils.contains ...
Regex String Matches Method We have seen the String.Contains () method in our string tutorials. This method returns a boolean value true or false depending on if the string contains a specified character in it or not. Similarly, we have a method “matches ()” to check if the string matc...
However, this problem differs from checking if a String only contains a specific substring, and there's a few ways to do so in bothCore JavaandApache Commons: String.startsWith() Stream.anyMatch() String.indexOf() Pattern with Regex
There are several ways to check numeric string like using regex, theDoubleclass, theCharacterclass or Java 8 functional approach, etc. Check if a String Is a Number in Java AStringis numeric if and only if it contains numbers (valid numeric digits). For example,"123"is a valid numeric ...
String string ="25 50 15";if(StringUtils.isNumericSpace(string)) { System.out.println("String is numeric!"); }else{ System.out.println("String isn't numeric."); } This results in: String is numeric! Check if String is Numeric with Regex ...
str - the String to check, may be null Returns: true if only contains digits, and is non-null 上面三种方式中,第二种方式比较灵活。 第一、三种方式只能校验不含负号“-”的数字,即输入一个负数-199,输出结果将是false; 而第二方式则可以通过修改正则表达式实现校验负数,将正则表达式修改为“^-?[0-...