2、因为编译好的类没有在checkstyle的classpath中.所以,只要将编译好的class配置到在<checkstyle/>的classpath中就没有这个问题了.另外,还发现checkstyle的line length好像也有点问题,明明没有超过120个字符,却还是报错.无奈,我把Eclipse中java > code style > formatter中的Maximum line with改成了100,然后format一...
2、因为编译好的类没有在checkstyle的classpath中.所以, 只要将编译好的class配置到在<checkstyle/>的classpath中就没有这个问题了.另外, 还发现checkstyle的line length好像也有点问题, 明明没有超过120个字符, 却还是报错.无奈, 我把Eclipse中java > code style > formatter中的Maximum line with改成了100, 然...
class); } 代码示例来源:origin: junit-team/junit4 private Test testCaseForClass(Class<?> each) { if (TestCase.class.isAssignableFrom(each)) { return new TestSuite(each.asSubclass(TestCase.class)); } else { return warning(each.getCanonicalName() + " does not extend TestCase"); } } ...
Subclass implementations of this abstract class must provide a public constructor that takes a Policy.Parameters object as an input parameter. This constructor also must throw an IllegalArgumentException if it does not understand the Policy.Parameters input. ...
安装成功后,选中工程,右键选择checkstyle->check code with checkstyle,检查错误即可 三、Checkstyle的结果输出 检查后会发现代码中出现很多放大镜图标,如下图所示,这就是Checkstyle的输出,具体含义如下: 1 Type is missing a javadoc commentClass 缺少类型说明 ...
ClassCastException The strange thing is thatRuntimeExceptionis itself subclass ofExceptioni.e. all unchecked exception classes should have been checked exceptions implicitly, BUT they are not.” Unchecked Exception Example The code in the given program does not give any compile-time error. But when...
If the subclass constructor does not call a superclass constructor explicitly, the no-argument constructor of the superclass is invoked(如果子类构造方法没有显式调用超类构造方法,将默认调用超类的无参构造方法). If the superclass does not have a no-argument constructor and the subclass constructor doe...
The name of each SPI class is the same as that of the corresponding engine class, followed by Spi. For example, the Signature engine class provides access to the functionality of a digital signature algorithm. The actual provider implementation is supplied in a subclass of SignatureSpi. ...
ClassCastException Remarks Thrown to indicate that the code has attempted to cast an object to a subclass of which it is not an instance. For example, the following code generates aClassCastException: <blockquote> text/javaCopy Object x = new Integer(0); System.out.println((String)x); ...
The JDialog class is a subclass of the AWT java.awt.Dialog class. It adds a root pane container and support for a default close operation to the Dialog object . These are the same features that JFrame has, and using JDialog directly is very similar to using JFrame. If you're going ...