3.镜像有序合成 craftingTable.addShapedMirrored(recipeName, output, ingredients, recipeFunction); 允许对称摆放。 4.熔炉等 //熔炉(在官方文档里有一个定义函数的方法,但我不太清楚,感兴趣的可以去看看) furnace.addJsonRecipe("recipe_name", { ingredient: <item:minecraft:gold_ore>, result: <item:minec...
importmezz.jei.api.gui.IGuiItemStackGroup;//导入方法依赖的package包/类@OverridepublicvoidsetRecipe(IRecipeLayout recipeLayout, SimpleSteelJEIWrapper.BlastFurnace recipeWrapper, IIngredients ingredients){ IGuiItemStackGroup group = recipeLayout.getItemStacks(); group.init(TileBlastFurnace.INPUT1,true,1,1...
MATERIAL, 1,51), 500); BlastFurnaceRecipe.addBlastFuel(new ItemStack(BlockLoader.BAMBOO_CHARCOAL_BLOCK), 2500); } Example #3Source File: FluidPipeNet.java From GregTech with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes @Method(modid = GTValues.MODID_FMP) private static void remove...
生成灾厄村民在村庄附近---第二波同时到来时崩溃 MC-140953 - Recipe toasts for smoker/blast furnace use crafting table icon 烟熏机和高炉合成标志是合成台 MC-140959 - small_fireball entity ID is broken small_fireball实体ID坏了 MC-140982 - Bell has no animation when used by another player 其他...
Recipe book and creative tab icons Black horse and llama backgrounds Item Rendering Replaced item icons with the Java Edition equivalents 2D Glass Panes 3D Chests 3D Beds Walls Heads Skulls Lightning Rod End Rod Scaffolding Conduit Beacon Heavy Core ...
MC-142763 - Clicking recipes in Blast Furnace and Smoker deletes output MC-142763 - 在高炉和烟熏机上点击配方会删除产出物 MC-142766 - Clicking a recipe in blast furnace/smoker returns fuel to inventory and resets cook progress MC-142766 - 在高炉和烟熏机上点击配方将燃料退回物品栏,重置烧炼进程...
You will need one hay block and four redstone for this recipe 需要一个干草块和四个红石以合成 Villager Workstation Logic 村民工作站逻辑 Villagers no longer try to work at the same workstation 多个村民不会再试图在同一工作站工作了 The most experienced nearby villager for the profession correspondin...
MC-140953 - Recipe toasts for smoker/blast furnace use crafting table icon 烟熏机和高炉合成标志是合成台 MC-140959 - small_fireball entity ID is broken small_fireball实体ID坏了 MC-140982 - Bell has no animation when used by another player ...
blastFurnace.getRecipes()) { if (recipe == null) { continue; } if (NEIServerUtils.areStacksSameType(result, recipe.getOutput())) { this.arecipes.add(new CachedBlastFurnaceRecipe(recipe)); } } } Example #13Source File: RecipeHandlerChisel.java From Chisel-2 with GNU General Public ...
加入了篝火 让制图台有功能了 讲台也是 表现提升 修了BUG 加入了teammsg指令 向队友说话 CAMPFIRES 篝火 Come one, come all, and toast your buns around the campfire! 围过来,在篝火边烤点心! Decorative fireplace without fire spread Cooks up to four foods, but slowly ...