. additional units will be charged at the non-ecoupon price. purchase additional now we're sorry, the maximum quantity you are able to buy at this amazing ecoupon price is sign in or create an account to save your cart! sign in or create an account to join rewards view cart wow, ...
private String couponEventExchange; @Value("${mqconfig.coupon_queue}") private String couponQueue; @Value("${mqconfig.coupon_routing_key}") private String couponRoutingKey; /** * 交换机 */ @Bean public Exchange couponEventExchange(){ return new TopicExchange(couponEventExchange,true,false); ...
if (Objects.isNull(bindResult) || !bindResult.getResult()) { throw new AppException(CouponErrorCode.ERR_REC_COUPON_USED_FAILED); } 复制代码 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 这样就相当于 在coupon-api 抛出异常 在coupon-api 拦截异常,修改 Response.code 在调用方判断 response.code 如果是 FAIELD 再把异常...
coupon.user.name="zhangsan"coupon.user.age=30 修改“com.bigdata.gulimall.coupon.controller.CouponController”文件,添加如下内容: @Value("${coupon.user.name}")privateString name;@Value("${coupon.user.age}")privateInteger age;@RequestMapping("/test")publicRgetConfigInfo(){returnR.ok().put("nam...
JSR-303 是JAVA EE 6 中的一项子规范,叫做Bean Validation,Hibernate Validator 是 Bean Validation 的参考实现 . Hibernate Validator 提供了 JSR 303 规范中所有内置 constraint 的实现,除此之外还有一些附加的 constraint。 参考文件:https://www.jianshu.com/p/554533f88370 ...
clearCouponDeductService.add(context, deductibleResponse); } 复制代码 这段两代码里面其实业务很复杂,内部估计保守干了五万件事情,但是不同水平的人写出来就完全不同,不得不赞一下这个注释,这个业务的拆分和方法的封装。一个大业务里面有多个小业务,不同的业务调用不同的 service 方法即可,后续接手的人即使没有...
body里是数据,feign将bean转为了 jsonObject executeAndDecode(RequestTemplate template, Options options) throws Throwable { // 构造出请求 Request request = this.targetRequest(template); if (this.logLevel != Level.NONE) { // 打印日志 this.logger.logRequest(this.metadata.configKey(), this.logLevel...
Turns out there was subtle difference in how I was updating Roles vs. Products. In the code, when updating Roles, I ransession.updateagainst adetachedRole object. In this scenario, Envers sees all the fields as being modified (possibly because there is no existing entity bean in the Hibernat...
If you define a BeanPostProcessor in one container t will only do its work on the beans in that container Beans that are defined in one container are not post-processed by a BeanPostProcessor in another container even if both containers are part of the same hierarchy. 意思是说: @Value ...
{ @Autowired RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate; @Bean public MessageConverter messageConverter(){ return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter(); } /** * 定制RabbitTemplate * 服务器收到消息就回调 * 1、开启发送端确认 * 1、spring.rabbitmq.publisher-confirms=true * 2、设置确认回调 * 2、消息抵达队列就回调...