TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Shanghai"); TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Copenhagen"); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TimeZone.getTimeZone() 方法的参数可以是一个 zone ID ,可以查看 JavaDoc 获取全部 ID 。 注意:如果 getTimeZone(String zoneID...
在安装完Jive Forums后,在系统管理界面中有两个地方需要修改,第一,是在Global Settings 下的Locale Settings中有一个Change Locale Settings 选项,我们在Locale:中肯定选中国了,在Time Zone:中一定选GMT+8:0 ASIA SHANGHAI CST,在Character Set:下选择User Specified:在其中输入GB2312 或 GBK 都可以,偶一般用GB2...
Time zone: Default Report fill running time: 203! (pages generated: 2) Exporting PDF (using iText) to file... G:\Jaspersoft\iReport-4.1.1\ireport\fonts\report1.pdf! Export running time: 94! Executing: "E:\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" "G:\Jaspersoft\iReport-4.1.1\ireport\fo...
6712755 java classes_security jarsigner fails to sign itextasian.jar since 1.5.0_b14, it works with 1.5.0_13 6899503 java classes_security Security code issue using Verisign root certificate 6711682 java classes_swing JCheckBox in JTable: checkbox doesn't alaways respond to the first mouse clic...
getTimeZone("Europe/Copenhagen"); TimeZone.getTimeZone() 方法的参数可以是一个 zone ID ,可以查看 JavaDoc 获取全部 ID 。 注意:如果 getTimeZone(String zoneID);方法的 zoneID 设置错误(不匹配系统支持的任意值),比如 "Asiannn/Shanghai",那也不会抛出任何异常,而是默默地设置 zoneID 为 GMT0 ,即...
If you have installed English Visual C++ 6.0 onto a machine that also has an Asian edition of Windows NT installed, you may encounter strange artifacts when rendering Asian text in a TextArea component. You may also see this problem if you have installed Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Office ...
<artifactId>itext-asian</artifactId> <version>5.2.0</version> </dependency> <!--将.jrxml编译成.jasper.如果你不使用java编译,而使用ireport工具编译则无须导入该 包 --> <dependency> <groupId>org.codehaus.groovy</groupId> <artifactId>groovy-all</artifactId> ...
4 Fonts for Asian localizations are in /export/root/javaos/fonts. This directory is mounted by the JavaStation computer as /FONTS. 84 JavaStation Client Software Guide ♦ September 1998, Revision A To Set Mount Directories 1. Use the javaos.mountlist property to tell the JavaStation computer...
(options.getDoNotUseEastAsianBreakRules(), "DoNotUseEastAsianBreakRules", enabledOptions, disabledOptions); addOptionName(options.getDoNotUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing(), "DoNotUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing", enabledOptions, disabledOptions); addOptionName(options.getDoNotUseIndentAsNumberingTabStop(), "...
The SCS is influenced by the East Asian monsoon [1,2]. In the boreal summer, the SCS is influenced by the southwest monsoon, where the southwesterly wind prevails over the SCS, while in the boreal winter, the SCS is influenced by the northeast monsoon, where the northeasterly wind ...