import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Scanner; public class InterviewBit { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner s = new Scanner(; //Input from two strings System.out.print("First String: "); String string1 = s.nextLine(); System.out.print("Second String: "...
Provides Java interview programming questions, answers with code implementation for freshers and experienced Java professionals. The questions are frequently asked in any java interviews. All the sample codes are compiled and tested.
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Task> tasks = Arrays.asList( new Task("Task 1", "High"), new Task("Task 2", "Medium"), new Task("Task 3", "High") ); ...
An array is one of the fundamental data structures and most of the other advanced data structures like lists, hash tables are built using arrays. Good knowledge of fundamental data structures like thearray,linked list, abinary treeis not just essential for writing better code but also doing wel...
arr[0][2] arr[1][2]Here, two arrays are created each of which contain three elements.Program to understand 2-D Arrayclass ArrayTwo{public static void main(String args[]){int arr[][]=new int[2][3];System.out.println(“Enter array elements”);arr[0][0]=1; arr[0][1]=2;arr...
112 . How do you compare two arrays? 113 . What is an enum? 114 . Can you use a switch statement around an enum? 115 . What are variable arguments or varargs? 116 . What are asserts used for? 117 . When should asserts be used? 118 . What is garbage collection? 119 . Can you...
Java arrays - How do we allocate an array dynamically in java?, Explain with example how to initialize an array of objects
Looking forward to appear in Java Interview, here are the key Java Interview Questions with Answers only for you. - aatul/Java-Interview-Questions-Answers
publicclassStringPrograms{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Stringstr="123";System.out.println(reverse(str));}publicstaticStringreverse(Stringin){if(in==null)thrownewIllegalArgumentException("Null is not valid input");StringBuilderout=newStringBuilder();char[]chars=in.toCharArray();for(inti=chars....
Return zero-length collections or arrays as opposed to returning a null in case the underlying collection is actually empty. 59. What is the difference between Enumeration and Iterator interfaces? Enumeration is twice as fast as compared to an Iterator and uses very less memory. However, the Ite...