quiet NaNs andsignaling NaNs. The differences between the two kinds of NaN are generally not visible in Java. Arithmetic operations on signaling NaNs turn them into quiet NaNs with a different, but often similar, bit pattern. However, on some processors merely copying a signaling NaN also pe...
The BigDecimal class provides operations for arithmetic, scale manipulation, rounding, comparison, hashing, and format conversion. The #toString method provides a canonical representation of a BigDecimal. The BigDecimal class gives its user complete control over rounding behavior. If no rounding mode is...
Note that in two's complement arithmetic, the three other basic arithmetic operations of add, subtract, and multiply are bit-wise identical if the two operands are regarded as both being signed or both being unsigned. Therefore separate addUnsigned, etc. methods are not provided. Parameters: div...
Note that in two's complement arithmetic, the three other basic arithmetic operations of add, subtract, and multiply are bit-wise identical if the two operands are regarded as both being signed or both being unsigned. Therefore separate addUnsigned, etc. methods are not provided. Parameters: div...
ArithmeticException Array Array ArrayBlockingQueue ArrayDeque ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ArrayList Arrays ArrayStoreException ArrayType ArrayType AssertionError AsyncBoxView AsyncHandler AsynchronousCloseException AtomicBoolean AtomicInteger AtomicIntegerArray AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater AtomicLong...
publicstaticIntegervalueOf(int i){if(i>=IntegerCache.low&&i<=IntegerCache.high)returnIntegerCache.cache[i+(-IntegerCache.low)];returnnewInteger(i);} 在Java8 中,Integer 缓存池的大小默认为 -128~127。 代码语言:javascript 复制 staticfinal int low=-128;staticfinal int high;staticfinal Integer cache...
Result of the arithmetic operator is always int or greater than int.Operator Operator Name Description Example + Addition Adds two operands or do string concatenation. a=1, b= 2 a + b = 3 OR String str=”Hello”; str+10 = Hello10 – Subtraction Subtracts a=1,b= 2 b – a = ...
Realnumeric types are 32-bitfloatand 64-bitdouble. Real numeric types and their arithmetic operations are as defined by the IEEE 754 specification. A floating pointliteralvalue, like23.79, is considereddoubleby default; you must explicitly cast it tofloatif you wish to assign it to afloatvariabl...
It is an extension of the unified expression language (unified EL) as specified in the JSP 2.1 specification. The language supports setting and getting property values, property assignment, method invocation, accessing the content of arrays, collections and indexers, logical and arithmetic operators,...