Minecraft: Java & Bedrock Edition デラックス コレクション DLCアドオンの表示 説明 創造しよう自分だけの無限の世界で、想像できるものは何でもつくってみよう。 探検しよう 究極のサンドボックスゲームで、バイオーム、資源、モブを発見し、驚きに満ちた世界をつくろう。 生き残れ謎の敵に立...
MINECTAFT JAVA&Bedrock Edition MOJANG studious© 玩家转战使命召唤手游!
共同畅玩在《Bedrock Edition》中,即使与朋友们相隔千里,也能跨平台在主机、移动设备和 PC 端和他们畅享游戏之乐。也可加入其他 Minecraft 玩家的队伍,在 PC、Mac 和Linux 上的《Java Edition》中共同冒险*。既能在《Bedrock Edition》中的社区服务器上与数百万玩家交流互动,也可订阅 Realms Plus 或 Realms for ...
如果你认为此加载项违反了Microsoft Store 内容策略,请使用此表单。 输入你看到的字符。你也可以选择音频质询。 新|视觉 提交
Bedrock Edition or subscribe to Realms Plus or Realms for Java to play with up to 10 friends on your own private server. EXPERIENCE MORE Get creator-made add-ons, thrilling worlds, and stylish cosmetics on Minecraft Marketplace, only on Bedrock Edition. Subscribe to Marketplace Pass (or ...
In terms of block formats, both versions have evolved differently. The Java Edition has adopted a flattened block format, where each block type is identified by a unique string, and the block's state is stored separately. On the other hand, the Bedrock Edition also uses a string-based syste...
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Minecraft: Bedrock Edition began its life in 2011 as 'Minecraft: Pocket Edition,' and was in an Alpha state until its full release in 2016. Currently, both versions are active and have broad, passionate audiences. For the purposes of clarity, we will be referring to the versions as 'Java...
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition began its life in 2011 as 'Minecraft: Pocket Edition,' and was in an Alpha state until its full release in 2016. Currently, both versions are active and have broad, passionate audiences. For the purposes of clarity, we will be referring to the versions as 'Java...