in December 2022 it was updated with new information regarding the Oracle Enterprise Performance Pack for Java 8.Also, while Java 17 brought a multitude of useful and interesting additions, Oracle published a new LTS realase – version 21. Check out our article aboutJava 21 featuresif you want...
A new Java version is released twice a year, but each new iteration seems to be only a small improvement on the previous one. While this may also be true for Java 17, this version holds a deeper significance, since Java 8 – currently the most commonly used Java version – will soon l...
Java Java Features Java 17 was released on September 14, 2021. Java 17 is an LTS (Long Term Support) release, like Java 11 and Java 8. Oracle will support it for bug fixes, patches and performance enhancements for the next few years. Spring 6 and Spring boot 3 will have first-class ...
Java 17 is now available. What makes Java 17 special is of course that both Oracle and the OpenJDK community have decided that this will be a long-term support release, like that of Java 11, and Java 8 before it. Since the introduction of the rapid release cadence starting with Java 10...
Java language feature series New features of Java5 New features of Java6 New features of Java7 New features of Java8 New features of Java9 What'...
Java8新特征 速度更快 JVM底层内存变化 Lambda表达式(代码更少) Lambda 表达式语法 语法格式一:无参,无返回值,Lambda 体只需一条语句 语法格式二:Lambda 需要一个参数 语法格式三:Lambda 只需要一个参数时,参数的小括号可以省略 语法格式四:Lambda 需要
Discover the powerful features of Java 8, including lambda expressions, streams, and method references. Enhance your Java programming with these modern addit…
This blog walks you through various features of Java 8 with lucid examples which will be helpful for beginners as well as experienced developers
Java 8 新特性 Java 8 (又称为 jdk 1.8) 是 Java 语言开发的一个主要版本。 Oracle 公司于 2014 年 3 月 18 日发布 Java 8 ,它支持函数式编程,新的 JavaScript 引擎,新的日期 API,新的Stream API 等。 新特性 Java8 新增了非常多的特性,我们主要讨论以下几个: Lamb
In September 2021, the "Java Platform, SE 17 Development Kit (JDK 17)," or Java 17, was released containing new features, including enhancements on many functional areas. In this release, Java continues with its evolution. Here are some of the updates: ...