应对Future 的完成事件(即当 Future 的完成事件发生时会收到通知,并能使用 Future计算的结果进行下一步的操作,不只是简单地阻塞等待操作的结果)。 了解新的 CompletableFuture 类(它实现了 Future 接口)如何利用Java 8的新特性以更直观的方式将上述需求都变为可能。 Stream 和 CompletableFuture 的设计都遵循了类似...
Other Notes: Installer Will Create a Junction Directory in a New Location The JRE will be installed in the following location, C:\Program Files\Java\latest\jre-$fullversion, where $fullversion is the technical version of the JRE. For instance, 8u421 will install into C:\Program Files\Java...
HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();HttpRequest req =HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create("http://www.google.com")) .header("User-Agent","Java") .GET() .build();HttpResponse<String> resp = client.send(req, HttpResponse.BodyHandler.asString());HttpResponse<String> resp = client.s...
JDK itself. The API very much resembles the new Collections API and places where the names differ I'd be happy to rename them.https://github.com/spullara/java-future-jdk8I've got both a Java 7 (in the jdk7 branch) and Java 8 (master branch) version running, just for comparison sake...
While Java 7 and Java 6 were rather minor releases, version 8 will be a big step forward. Maybe even too big? Today I will give you a thorough explanation of new abstraction in JDK 8 – CompletableFuture<T>. As you all know Java 8 will hopefully be released in less than a year, ...
最近在项目使用Java8 的CompletableFuture执行一些异步多线程任务,一时疏忽,导致ArrayList出现线程安全问题 就算在方法内使用局部变量,但使用异步多线程执行任务,还是会出现线程安全问题 以下是错误、正确使用的示例方法: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
supplyAsync()方法是CompletableFuture中的static方法,从定义可以看到它接受Supplier接口的参数,Supplier接口位于java的java.util.function包中,也是Java 8引入的函数式接口,与之配套的还有另外两个接口:Function和Consumer,具体来说: Supplier接口:不接收参数,但返回一个对象(用消息组件来类比,可以看作是生产者)。
1.Lambda 表达式 Lambda 表达式是 Java 8 中最重要的新特性之一。它允许使用更简洁的语法定义一个函数...
JDK 8 中的新特性 Java Platform, Standard Edition 8 是一个拥有丰富特性的主要版本。本文档总结了 Java SE 8、JDK 8 以及 Oracle 的 Java SE 8 实现中的特性和增强。单击组件名称可获取该组件增强功能更详细的描述。 Java 编程语言 ...
Java 8 Concurrency Enhancements The java.util.concurrent package added two new interfaces and four new classes. Java.util.concurrent Interfaces InterfaceDescription public static interface CompletableFuture.AsynchronousCompletionTaskIt is a marker interface which is used to identify asynchronous tasks produced...