2. Windows Server 2022配置 我的PC已经配置好了,此教程是在腾某云新建的Windows Server 2022做演示 2.1 在桌面上呼出此电脑、控制面板图标 和Windows10一样,桌面右键>个性化,找到如下选项进行设置 2.2 打开无线LAN服务 我的主板是有WIFI模块的,而且需要用无线服务。 在“此电脑”上右键>管理,呼出“服务器管理器...
Another addition in Java 21 has been the so-called fallback linker, which offers a way for platforms to be compliant with Java SE without too much work by usinglibffiinstead of fully implementing the Linker API. Goodbye 32-bit Windows port.Microsoft Windows 10 was the last 32-bit version o...
功能和安装选项因 SQL Server 版本而异。 使用版本选择器下拉列表选择适当版本的 SQL Server。 使用SQL Server 2022 (16.x) 时,可以下载和安装任意 Java 运行时,包括最新的OpenJDK 的 Microsoft 版本或正式许可的 Java 运行时。 Java 11 目前是 Windows 上受支持的版本。 Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 是最...
访问[Apache Tomcat 下载页面]( 在“Binary Distributions” 部分,找到适用于 Windows 的“32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer” 链接并下载安装程序。 双击下载的安装程序并按照提示完成安装过程。 安装完成后,Tomcat 将会自动启动并监听默认的 HTTP 端口 8080。 步骤4:下载 ECS Java SDK 并配置 现在,我们需...
了解如何才能使用用于 Java 的 Microsoft 扩展性 SDK 为 SQL Server 实现 Java 程序。 SDK 是用于与 SQL Server 交换数据并从 SQL Server 执行 Java 代码的 Java 语言扩展的接口。SDK 作为 SQL Server 2019 (15.x) 及更高版本的一部分安装,适用于 Windows 和 Linux:...
Showing results for April 2022 - Microsoft for Java Developers Apr 29, 2022 0 0 Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ Update – April 2022 Jialuo Gan Welcome to our new blog series for Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ. Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ is a plugin that allows you to easily create, develop, co...
Performance and reliability is another area of our focus in 2022. In this area, we hope to improve the reliability of Java Language Server and reduce the cases where Java Language Server becomes unresponsive. We also heard from the community that importing a project for the first time could ta...
JDK 8u371 contains IANA time zone data 2022g.For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software. New Feature: Added a Default Native GSS-API Library on WindowsA native GSS-API library has been added to JDK on the Windows platform. The library is client-side only ...
+ ssltlsrootecc2022DN: CN=SSL.com TLS ECC Root CA 2022, O=SSL Corporation, C=US+ SSL.com+ ssltlsrootrsa2022DN: CN=SSL.com TLS RSA Root CA 2022, O=SSL Corporation, C=USСм. JDK-8341057 Другиепримечания. Сертификатысервера TLS, им...
For more details, refer to the announcement of 2022b. core-libs/java.net ➜ New System Property to Limit the Number of Open Connections to com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer (JDK-8286918 (not public)) A new system property named jdk.httpserver.maxConnections has been introduced to allow...