In this article, we briefly discussed some interesting new features in Java 8. There are of course many other additions and improvements spread across many Java 8 JDK packages and classes. But the information illustrated in this article is a good starting point for exploring and learning about s...
Java 8, 9, 10, 11 and beyond delivering new features to the JDK. JDK 8 had come up with so many new features like lambda expression, functional interface and so on. But post that Java 9 got released in 2017 with a very big change that is the introduction of modularity. Then after ...
Probably the most significant language improvement since Java 8 is the addition of the varkeyword. It was initially introduced in Java 10, and was further improved in Java 11. This feature allows us to reduce the ceremony of a local variable...
I havent covered all the features that have been added to Java since Java 17, but I have covered the most popular ones. If you want to learn more about the new features of Java, then I would recommend you to check out the links provided below. 上面涵盖了从 Java8 到 Java17 中最受欢...
Since the introduction of Java 11 requirement for running VS Code for Java, we have constantly heard from our users that they thought Java 8 is no longer supported, which is NOT true. In this blog, we will explain the requirement itself and provide steps for you to upgrade smoothly and qu...
目前,官方已经停止 Java 8 的公共更新。作为 Java 8 后的第一个 LTS,升级 Java 11 不仅能够避免因...
Pack200 Tools and API (JEP 367) – these were deprecated for removal in Java 11, and now removed 8. Conclusion In this tutorial, we looked at the various JEPs of Java 14. In all,there are 16 major features in this release of the language, including preview features, incubators, deprecat...
聊聊Java8 以后各个版本的新特性 作者:ZY5A59 某天在网上闲逛,突然看到有篇介绍 Java 11 新特性的文章,顿时心里一惊,毕竟我对于 Java 的版本认识还停留在 Java 8 上,而日常使用的语法和 API 还停留在 Java 7 上。于是抽时间看了看 Java 8 以后各个版本的特性,做了一个总结。
Since the new pipeline utilizes hardware acceleration capabilities offered by video cards, it is very important that the latest drivers for the cards are installed. Please refer to your system or video card manufacturer for the latest drivers.Requirements...
For an introduction to Guice and a comparison to new and the factory pattern, seeBob Lee's video presentation. After that, check out ouruser's guide. We've been running Guice in mission critical applications since 2006, and now you can, too. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. ...