Java技术手册(原书第7版) Learning Java Functional Programming Functional C# Functional Programming in C# 1.3. 笔记--章节对应关系 2. 亮点 2.1. 垃圾回收和内存方面讲解细致 在垃圾回收、原生内存和堆内存方面讲解相对细致,涉及各种开关。 2.2. 不断进化的垃圾回收算法 语言在不断进化发展、jvm也在不断进化发展... down, the most common approach utlized for performance tuning.step one:Monitoring the application while it is running under a load of particular interest.(Monitoring activity include observing OS, JVM, Java EE container) 2.bottom up, it is improve the performance of an application on one...