Fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) is potentially reversible and must be distinguished from chronic liver failure, an irreversible condition that develops over months to years. Patients with FHF are best managed in tertiary care facilities that have extensive experience in treating such patients, with ...
The article discusses the medical case of an 18-year-old obese Hispanic male with fever, jaundice and liver failure and diagnosed to have concomitant infections with hepatitis E and EpsteinBarr virus (EBV). The medical background of the patient is discussed. Results of physical and laboratory ex...
Liver Failure and Jaundice in the Intensive Care Unit Liver disease has two major components: hepatocyte failure and portal hypertension. The clinical picture of chronic liver disease is frequently dominated by the compilations of portal hypertension. On the other hand, the clinical picture... P. ...
jaundice noun jaun·diceˈjȯn-dəs, ˈjän- 1 :a yellowish pigmentation of the skin, tissues, and certain body fluids caused by the deposition of bile pigments and especiallybilirubinthat follows interference with normal production and discharge of bile (as in certain liver diseases...
Reye's syndrome is a potentially fatal illness that is caused by exposure to these medications and results in life-threatening liver failure and subsequent brain swelling. It is luckily an uncommon illness today since the recognition of aspirin exposure as a cause. MRSA (Staph Infection) MRSA, ...
Jaundice syndromes in chronic sever hepatitis have evolution rules of Yang jaundice,Yin jaundice(spleen-kidney Yang deficiency or liver-kidney Yin deficiency),Yin-Yang inclusion jaundice and asthenia and sthenia transformation.Insufficient liver regeneration caused by liver regeneration disorder may be the...
Jaundice,(icterus['iktərəs]):isayellowdiscolorationoftissueresultingfromthedepositionofbilirubin[,bilə'ru:bin].黄疸:由于胆红素沉积造成组织变黄 Tissuedepositionofbilirubinoccursonlyinthepresenceofhyperbilirubinemiaandisasignofeitherliverdiseaseor,lessoften,ahemolyticdisorder.组织胆红素沉积只发生在高胆红素...
Increased intestinal permeability and altered mucosal immunity in cholestatic jaundice. OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of cholestatic jaundice on gut barrier function. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Gut barrier failure occurs in animal models of ... FK Welsh,CW Ramsden,K Maclennan,... - 《Annals of...
Other causes include increased hemolysis and any liver disease. The discoloration is caused by accumulation of bilirubin in the body; bilirubin is normally excreted in bile to give feces their normal yellow-brown coloration. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-克罗地亚文字典 žutica noun feminine Seven ...