I see no evidence of even a single instance of the string"org_apache_jasper_el" (not even just "jasper") in any xml file in thedeployment directory. Even if I remove the jasper dependency (I'm not using JSF) and rebuild(distTar) the project I get the same complaint (more than one...
概念:tomcat-embed-jasper是Spring Boot中的一个依赖库,用于支持JSP页面的渲染。它基于Apache Tomcat的Jasper项目,提供了JSP页面的编译和执行功能。 分类:tomcat-embed-jasper是一个用于JSP页面渲染的工具,可以与嵌入式Tomcat一起使用。 优势:tomcat-embed-jasper可以方便地将JSP页面集成到Spring Boot应用程序中,使开发人...
#tomcat-connection settingsspring.datasource.tomcat.initialSize=20 spring.datasource.tomcat.max-active=25#Jasper and thymeleaf configarationspring.view.prefix= /WEB-INF/ spring.view.suffix= .jsp spring.view.view-names= views spring.thymeleaf.view-names= thymeleaf#Embedded Tomcat serverserver.port ...
问题: 22-May-2018 18:00:15.891 严重 [localhost-startStop-1] org.apache.jasper.EmbeddedServletOptions.<init> The scratchDir you specified: [/opt/web/xxx/work/Catalina/localhost/xxx] is unusable. 解决方案: 将tomcat目录下的work目录删除
<artifactId>tomcat-el-api</artifactId> <version>7.0.47</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> </project> POM Entry <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.tomcat</groupId><artifactId>tomcat-jasper-el</artifactId><version>7.0.47</version></dependency> ...
JasperReports Library 7.0. This latest version now offers Jakarta compatibility. With more open source platforms moving away from the Java namespace towards Jakarta Enterprise Edition (EE), developers will be able to use the new JasperReports Library with platforms such as Spring, Tomcat, Wildfly,...
JasperReports Library 7.0. This latest version now offers Jakarta compatibility. With more open source platforms moving away from the Java namespace towards Jakarta Enterprise Edition (EE), developers will be able to use the new JasperReports Library with platforms such as Spring, Tomcat, Wildfly,...