Margaret no longer had the ear of the dowager queen who had died in 1463. The Scots preferred to make a truce with Edward IV. It is worth noting that Edward wasn’t ruling a peaceful kingdom counties across the country were up in arms. Margaret of Anjou on the other hand didn’t ...
becoming the “pivotal” figure in holding the group together and encouraging the other members. Art historianJohn Rewaldcalled Pissarro the “dean of the Impressionist painters”, not only because he was the oldest of the group, but also “by virtue of his wisdom and his balanced, kind, and...
Cleggett folded his arms and regarded the managing editor with a touch of the supercilious in his manner. "If you were a gentleman," he said, "you would have no difficulty in understanding these things. I have just done you the honor of challenging you to a duel." Mr. Wharton's mout...
thenewsroomoftheNewYorkEnterprisewithadrab-coloredwalking- stickinhishand.Hestoodthecaneinacorner,changedhissoberstreet coatforamoresoberofficejacket,adjustedagreeneyeshadebelowhis primlybrushedgrayishhair,unostentatiouslysatdownatthecopydesk, andunobtrusivelyopenedadrawer. ...
Thereupon, out of the depths of my morbid soul swam up a new and fascinating idea; and at once the career of arms seemed over-acted and stale, and piracy, as a profession, flat and unprofitable. This, then, or something like it, should be my vocation and my revenge. A severer line...