Jason Lee Scott was the first Red Ranger of the 'modern era', officially named as such, as well as the leader of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. He later returned in Power Rangers Zeo to become the second Gold Ranger of the Zeo Rangers, temporarily receiving those powers from Trey of...
出生日期:1966年11月19日 出生地:美国,加利福尼亚州,洛杉矶 更多中文名:贾森·斯科特·李 家庭成员:Diana Lee(妻) IMDb编号:nm0001462 职业:演员 / 配音 关注346人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· "on" 图片· ···(全部 6 张·上传照片) 最近的5部作品...
李截Jason Scott Lee的全部作品(43) 下载豆瓣客户端 豆瓣6.0全新发布× 豆瓣 扫码直接下载 iPhone·Android <前页12后页>(共43条)
How old is Jason Scott Lee? When was Jason Scott Lee born? Where was Jason Scott Lee born? Notizie correlate Lilo & Stitch Trailer Teases Experiment 626 Causing Chaos In Disney Live-Action Remake 26 novEmpire - Movies ‘Lilo & Stitch’ Live-Action Remake Reveals First Footage of Stitch ...
Jason Leescott. Elenco: Drained. Jason Leescott nasceu o 7 de outubro de 1994 nos EUA. É ator.
When a local cowboy named Ko’olau (Jason Scott Lee) and his young son Kalei (Kahiau Perreira) contract the dreaded disease, they refuse to allow their family to be separated, sparking an armed clash with brutal white island authorities that will make Ko’olau and his wife, Pi’ilani (...
Jason Scott Lee: No labels please!Aida Baltazar
Once he was approved by Caro,Jason Scott Leehad a few days to take care of things at home before he went back to get started preparing for the role of Bori Khan. Despite the tough road to getting the part, the actor is happy to be a part of the live-actionMulan, particularly due ...
A kinder, gentler action hero for the New Age, Jason Scott Lee may be Hollywood's first male Asian-American sex symbol. (Another contender, Bruce Lee, first achieved superstardom in Hong Kong but failed to live long enough to cross over from chop-socky flicks.) Athletic and handsome, the...
Jason Scott Lee演员个人档案作品年表荣誉成就图片视频新闻留言68 % 我的喜爱度 喜欢 不喜欢 56人参与 平均喜爱度 68% 主要成就 0 获奖 1 提名 更多获奖记录 射手 178cm 1966-12-19 美国 加州 洛衫矶 贾森·斯科特·李是出生在美国洛衫机市的华裔美国人第三代,中文名为李截,身上也有四分之一的夏威夷当地...