Clipart library offers about 47 high-quality Jasmine Cliparts for free! Download Jasmine Cliparts and use any clip art,coloring,png graphics in your website, document or presentation.
1.(Plants) Also called:jessamineany oleaceous shrub or climbing plant of the tropical and subtropical genusJasminum,espJ. officinalis:widely cultivated for their white, yellow, or red fragrant flowers, which are used in making perfume and in flavouring tea. See alsowinter jasmine ...
Honeysuckle - the bond of love Apple blossom - preference, good fortune White heather - protection, wishes will cometrue Jasmine(white) - amiability Daisy - innocence, beauty, simplicity Orange blossom - marriage, eternal love, fruitfulness Lavender - ardent attachment, devotion, success, and luck...