Depending on what side of the fence you are on, Jar Jar Binks is either a beloved or absolutely hated character. Regardless of how you feel about the Gungan outcast, motion graphics artist and technical director Michael Murdock thought theApril 16 trailerforStar Wars: The Force Awakensneeded m...
Jar Jar Binks actor opens up at Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker premiere | Is Darth Jar Jar canon? Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser. Jar Jar Binks was once widely regarded as the most hated Star Wars character...
《星球大战》粉丝一定对星战Jar Jar Binks这个名字不陌生,他因为很废柴,逗贫,没啥实质作用,好多时候甚至有点儿不招人待见,所以……播客murdockmotion用剪辑加特效把他带回了《星球大战:原力觉醒》的世界里…… 预告片1 不支持该嵌入控件 预告片2 好吧,反正我是服了老外的想象力和口味,其实这篇内容是天叔投的稿...
1. 加加和帕帕丁都是来自纳布星。第一部刚开始时,帕帕丁不过只是一个议员,加加被刚格人驱逐,而...
YouTube The 20th-anniversary edition of “Seven Swans” is now out and includes two b-sides, “I Went Dancing With My Sister” and “Waste of What Your Kids Won’t Have.” You can hear the album + b-sideshere.A special anniversary edition vinyl is available atindie records storestoday...
首先,Obi-Wan教导我们 再看看Jar Jar看似运气好的行动
要么加加是星战里最大的败笔,要么他就是最成功的伏笔。这可比我是你爸爸梗有意思多了 ...
个人认为这一类角色并不存在什么失不失败之说 本来也就是在银幕上以一种笨手笨脚的 可爱的好事的有些...