The actor behind Jar Jar Binks almost killed himself because his character was so unpopularAlexandra Ma
Star Wars actor Ahmed Best, who firstplayed Jar Jar Binks in the Prequel Trilogybut more recently portrayed Jedi Master Kelleran Beq inThe Mandalorian, wants to make a film that's essentially "Jedi John Wick". Speaking toComicBook, Best said his brief appearance...
This Jedi is named Kelleran Beq. Jar Jar Binks was a CGI creation, so he might not look familiar but Beq is played by actorAhmed Best, who was the voice and on-set actor for Jar Jar in theStar Warsprequels. Lucasfilm READ MORE:The MandalorianHas Forgotten Why People Liked It Jar Jar...
Actor Ahmed Best, who appeared as Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars franchise, has thanked everyone for their "love and kindness" after he revealed he'd considered suicide in the past.Earlier this week, Best shared a photo of himself and his son and accompanied it with a caption that he ...
Jar Jar Binks his Sith name is known:DarthJarJar. Is Jar Jar Binks force sensitive? This has been seen as a hint thatJar Jar is Force-sensitive, yet hides his abilities unless called on. Plus, he seems to have an uncanny knack for avoiding death, as demonstrated several times during th...
George Lucas once claimed that Jar Jar was his favoriteStar Warscharacter,referring to him as the "key” to the sagain the making-of documentary forStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.Jar Jar Binks actor Ahmed Besttweeted, “it feels really good when the hidden meaning behind the wor...
WIRED Logo How the Guy Who Played Jar Jar Binks Survived the Fandom Menace Click to share this story on Facebook Click to share this story on Twitter Click to email this story Click to comment on this story. (will open new tab) AHMED BEST HAS MADE PEACE
Ahmed Best, who played Jar Jar Binks in the prequel “Star Wars” trilogy, will host the series. Best will be joined by a humanoid droid companion voiced by Mary Holland. “This is definitely a kids game show like no other,” says Lucasfilm’s senior director of Online Content & Program...
I spent a part of today, doing something which made me upset inside. I tried to find a source, a destination, a location for Jar Jar Binks' ultimate fate. I know that he ended up being a street performer, in the monolithic-as-heart city of Theed, but, I was trying to locate some...