public class WCRunner { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.set("mapreduce.job.jar", "wc.jar"); conf.set("mapreduce.framework.name", "yarn"); conf.set("yarn.resourcemanager.ho...
可以看到在服务器中日志提示: java.io.FileNotFoundException: File 'holiday.txt' does not exist 即: 在打包后, 一开始配置的路径src/main/resources下无法找到该文件 分析问题 项目在打包之后, 位于 resource目录下的文件, 最常见的就是各种Spring配置文件就会打包在 BOOT-INF/classes 目录下 而FIle 在按照原来...
The following WARNs are logged in the agent.log file: Raw WARN [ResourceDiscoveryComponent.invoker.daemon-2] (org.rhq.plugins.jbossas5.ApplicationServerDiscoveryComponent)- Client JAR [file:/opt/jboss/jboss-eap-5.0/jboss-as/lib/jboss-classpool.jar] does not exist or is not readable (note,...
可是当测试人员在测试项目中的文件下载时,就报了一个奇怪的错误,class path resource xxxxxx cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist。大意就是说 某个路径下的资源文件不存在,下载的是模板excel文件,项目中就直接把它放在resources路径下,在该路径下又创建了一个目录用于统一存放模板。测试人员提BUG...
Any versioned directory whose value ofNis less than9is ignored as is a string representation ofNthat does not conform to the above specification. A class file under a versioned directory, of versionNsay, in a multi-release JAR must have a class file version less than or equal to the class...
问题描述 APPLICATION FAILED TO START *** Description: An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The attempt was ma
Buildfile:build.xml does not exist! Build failed (2)使用ant打包jar 在需要打包的项目下建build.xml文件,具体如下: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!--project 用于定义一个ant工程,其中的三项name、default、basedir缺一不可。 作用分别为:定义工程名、制定默认执行的任务(run\compile\clean等...
The error I get when I try to build the application. I also checked the dependencies and they also do not show up. error: cannot find symbol@EnableEurekaServer Here is my build.gradle file for my local spring application plugins {
If anx-Digest-Manifestattribute does not exist in the signature file or none of the digest values calculated in the previous step match, then a less optimized verification is performed: If anx-Digest-Manifest-Main-Attributesentry exists in the signature file, verify the value against a digest ca...