In this Elden Ring guide, I go over how you can complete the questline of Jar-Bairn. How To Complete Jar-Bairn Questline In Elden Ring You will need to follow the steps mentioned below to complete the questline of Jar-Bairn. Where To Find Jar-Bairn You can find Jar-Bairn in Jar...
Jar-Bairn is a new NPC in The Lands Between. Head to Jarburg to begin the Jar-Bairn quest in Elden Ring. Here's how to beat it and what you need to do first.
Jar-Bairn’s questline is…odd. It’s closely tied to two otherElden Ringquestlines, which has only strengthened the already popular argument that the Jar-Bairn quest must have accidentally been excluded from the game or was simply not ready yet. Regardless, you will need to complete both ...
a charming hillside hamlet where wildflowers grow abundantly. However, there are many itinerant Jar warriors likeIron Fist Alexander,Elden Ring's affable knight quest-giverand likely the first Jar players will meet. Other Jars aren't