Swiss watchmaker since 1738, Jaquet Droz has perpetuated the spirit of innovation and the aesthetic refinement of its founder, Pierre Jaquet-Droz.
42Jpi211�99)"> #000000 发现 light Custom text: 32Jpi211�99)"> #000000 发现 Custom text: 系列表款 探索Jaquet Droz系列表款 时计 自动玩偶 (AUTOMATA) 艺术工坊 (ATELIERS D'ART) 大秒针腕表 (GRANDE SECONDE) SW 时分小针盘系列腕表 (Petite Heure Minute) ...
Swiss watchmaker since 1738, Jaquet Droz has perpetuated the spirit of innovation and the aesthetic refinement of its founder, Pierre Jaquet-Droz.
Already a prolific maker of wristwatches with tiny, intricate automatons – withtropical birdsandmagic lotusbeing part of its repertoire – Jaquet Droz has turned to the realm of Middle Earth for its latest creation. Featuring an automaton with nine mechanical animations, theJaquet Droz Dragon Au...
[腕表之家Time to Move]锦鲤幻莲(Magic Lotus Automaton)呈现葳蕤丰茂的活动图景,邀人置身静谧的禅意花园,凝神细观自然美态。花卉与植物交错铺展,生机盎然,精微细节在尊贵艺术工艺的雕琢下展露无遗。 J032633270_MAGIC LOTUS AUTOMATON 雅克德罗(Jaquet Droz)呈现从未有过的活动场景。品牌全新力作锦鲤幻莲(Magic Lotus ...
[腕表之家 品牌新闻]仅限量发行一枚的鹦鹉自动玩偶三问怀表 (Pocket Watch Automaton – Parrot Repeate...[查看全文] 2024-05-08 作者:萧峰 22837 3 雅克德罗陀飞轮镂空红金腕表BON JOVI特别款:这是他的人生 当你已经达到了一定的名誉高度,你还能要什么?在40年的职业生涯中,BonJovi乐队累计售出1.3亿张专辑,而...
Swiss watchmaker since 1738, Jaquet Droz has perpetuated the spirit of innovation and the aesthetic refinement of its founder, Pierre Jaquet-Droz.
Swiss watchmaker since 1738, Jaquet Droz has perpetuated the spirit of innovation and the aesthetic refinement of its founder, Pierre Jaquet-Droz.
雅克德罗(Jaquet Droz)呈现从未有过的活动场景。品牌全新力作锦鲤幻莲(Magic Lotus Automaton)腕表颂赞生命及永恒不息的生命轮回。这款自动玩偶作品配备品牌内部设计和组装的崭新机制,可上演时长超过四分钟的活动场景。一幅华丽的自然主义剧幕渐次展开,展现禅意花园的优雅安宁之美。
Each activation of the automaton plays the entire animation for more than four minutes. The rotating disc that simulates the river makes eight revolutions of roughly 30 seconds each, one of the longest animations for a Jaquet Droz automaton. ...