The meaning of JAPANESE NIGHTINGALE is an Asiatic hill tit (Leiothrix lutea) that is chiefly olivaceous brown with a yellow breast and red bill and feet and that is often kept as a cage bird —called also Japanese robin.
Popular in Wordplay See All What do SCOTUS, POTUS, and FLOTUS mean? More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) ...
Or Money Down the Drain? On December 12, two announcements were made that attempted to encapsulate the spirit of the year that is coming to an end. The kanji for 'kin' and the abbreviation 'futehodo' were selected as the character and word that best captured the zeitgeist of 2024. Read...
Reorganizing the Lexicon by Learning a New Word: Japanese Children's Interpretation of the Meaning of a New Word for a Familiar Artifact JapaneseLanguage AcquisitionLanguage ProcessingOral LanguagePreschool ChildrenThis research investigated how children interpret the meaning of a new word associated ......
The end-product may not be a full-functioning device by itself, but it may be a prDlmype to be tested on a computer. The program for the e-dictionary will be using Microsofi~ Visual Basic 6.0 for the system. As voice recognition system will be added to the system, the speech ...
Our lessons take you by the hand and guide you through real Japanese conversations. Our teachers slow down and explain every word and phrase. Just’ll finally understand every Japanese word you hear.Learning for travel or love? Want to focus on reading, writing, grammar or cult...
The Japanese word for summer is 夏 which is a single kanji character. Its phonetic romanization is "natsu."To type the word, select the Japanese keyboard layout from the system tray and change to Japanese hiragana input mode, if necessary. Then type "natsu" without any spaces. You see ...
Monolingual but still useful for coverage to a beginner! If a word shows up in one of these dictionaries but not an English one, you can just web search/translate to find out more information. [JA-JA] 実用日本語表現辞典 [JA-JA] デジタル大辞泉 [JA-JA Encyclopedia] Pixiv Kanji informa...
This theory considers words and word-level patterns as combinations of semantic, syntactic, and phonological information. For example, the English noun pacifism is represented as in (5). (5) Semantics: [PACIFISM]1 Morphosyntax: [N— aff2]1 Phonology: /pæsɪf ɪzəm2/1 The ...
Discover what makes Merriam-Webster Unabridged the essential choice for true word lovers. Start Your Free Trial Now Browse Nearby Entries Japanese tissue Japanese tree lilac Japanese tung oil See all Nearby Words Cite this Entry Style “Japanese tree lilac.” Dictionary, ...