The word 漢字 (kanji) means “Han characters”, and its pronunciation is a version of the Middle Chinese word for such characters [hɑn˥˩ d͡zɨ˥˩/xɑn˥˩ d͡zɨ˥˩], filtered through Japanese phonology. Han refers to the Han Dynasty (206BC - 220AD) and in...
the dance of romance is a delightful blend of tradition and modernity. So, whether it’s a heartfelt Japanese word of “愛してます” (I love you) or a shared moment under the stars,
but below the surface is a massive amount of meaning, desire and emotion. It means they want to meet you… for more than just meeting, for the feelings, the love. Not like you’d meet your dummy
"Sunshine character." Slang for a character with "cheerful,"youki陽気, personality. An extrovert. Ariajuuリア充. Etc. in-kyara(orin-kya) 陰キャラ (陰キャ) "Shade character." Slang for a character with "gloomy,"inki陰気, personality. An introvert. Ahikikomori引きこもり. Etc. ...
Even though vegetables aren’t typically associated with lovely Japanese female names, their natural pronunciation is significantly more pleasant! Hina is a Japanese word that translates as “excellent veggies” or “edible greens.” We believe this is an important message to impart to them from the...
Pronounced KHEE-NA-TA, this is the perfect name for your little ray of sunshine. The more common meanings of the name’s kanji combination are “sunny place,”“toward the sun,” and “sunflower.” There are quite a few Japanese boy names meaning “sun,” but with so many interpretation...
A few months ago I met a guy complaining about how hard it was to get on with Japanese even though he was great at the language, but really the way he talked, his word usage etc was just so different that it would be hard for Japanese to feel comfortable with hi...
1. an informal word for father 2. the daddy slang chiefly US and Canadian and Austral the supreme or finest example: the daddy of them all. 3. slang the dominant male in a group; boss; top man Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins ...
While true that Japan “stole” many Chinese characters, as they had no writing style of their own, while stealing the characters, in Kanji the meanings and pronunciations of the characters are completely different. 3. “The word English means French...