Want to speak better Japanese? You need more words. Learning one Japanese word a day is easy, free, and takes less than a minute to learn at JapanesePod101
With that in mind, we can see in the print above, that by 1850, ‘wellness’ is becoming a concern for people just as it is today. The tremendous print by Kuniyoshi depicts townspeople washing and scrubbing a gigantic 3-D kanji for the word ‘LIFE’. The emphasis on cleanliness and ord...
The pronunciation doesn’t change based on the combination of words either. For example, if you say [auto] it’ll be pronounced as [a][u][to]. The pronunciation doesn’t become like theautopart of the English word ‘automatic’. Or, for example, if you see the word ‘made’ written...
You may explore the meaning of the word as easy as several clicks and precede your learning in advanced stage.Good for input: Kanji input using Romaji Method Being able to understand is nice, being able to deliver is better. The art of language will be far less appealing without being ...
The world’s largest daikon ever harvested weighed exactly 69 pounds (31.3 kilograms)—more than three times the size of your average daikon. I blinked at the rubber, life-size model of the record-breaking radish through the display case in the museum—i
June 20, 2015 at 1:55 pm (doujin(同人),otaku word) I have lost my password to log in here. How long have I left my blog? Well, what shall I say first…okay, hi I am bangin, Japanese cosplayer, and the owner of this blog, Japanese words of anime fans, by anime fans, for an...
★TheJapanese wordforbus stopisbasutei (バス停) ……….. Number 3: ★TheJapanese wordforcariskuruma. ★Another word for car isjidōsha.This is usually translated as“automobile”and is not used as much askurumais in everyday life. ……….. Number 4: ★JitenshameansbicycleinJapanese! ★...
Non-stop feedback, answers and corrections so you’re always improving Badges for completed assignments to keep you motivated And you unlock full access our self-study learning system as well. That’s 420+ hours of audio/video courses, study tools, bonus apps and more.So you get the best ...
In a reverse-Uno twist, the word is now being used for positive things too. So in general, ヤバい is an adjective that can be used to mean something good or bad depending on the context. In English, the word ヤバい would probably be similar to the word “wicked,” in which “wicked...
There isn’t too much info online about where to buy stuff, or about what you can actually find, so today, for the benefit of any other Dubies (that’s my word for Dubai residents) who may be looking desperately for proper Japanese ingredients, I am posting a list of goodies that I...