情熱is the Japanese word that means enthusiasm or “passion for a cause.” In some contexts, this could mean being extremely fond of something or having a fondness for a cause or person. Can also be translated as passion, zeal, ardor/ardour, or fervor. Note: This word (or character ord...
I'm a filipina living in Japan for many years now. I have 3 kids but my kids are all grown up and are living on their own. I'm a one-man-woman, happy person, open-minded, honest, true and very natural. Someone who would stick by the side of those I love and care for thru ...
Another is that most of what is spoken in anime is over the top and unrealistic. A lot of slang and low-level speech is used as well. If many phrases used in anime were repeated to a real Japanese person (especially a stranger) it could be viewed as quite strange and/or offensive. ...
No person who already had a spouse may remarry, and the penalty for so doing is two years in prison. An adulterer is forbidden to marry the partner in the sin. Marriage between blood relations is forbidden within all degrees in the direct line, and in the collateral line within the ...
spouse. The Tiger will always want to dominate in their relationships; but can never be quite happy until they find someone they respect too. They need a person who’s nature is built of strong fibers, as they may be too intimidating for a person in whose nature the word ‘tenderness’ ...
In terms of gendered morphemes, lesbians were significantly more likely to use masculine morphemes than 13 heterosexual women, both for sentence-final particles and first-person pronouns, and were significantly less likely to use the feminine first-person pronoun atashi. Finally, correlations showed ...
For instance, if you want to ask “Is this pen yours?” you would say あなたのペンですか ? The particle の can be attached to the end of any of the pronouns listed above and to a person’s name (more on this below). More Natural Ways to Say “You” (Without Saying “You”)...
Learn about using idioms with the word "kuchi" meaning "mouth" Audio • 14 Minutes 28 Is this Japanese Unlike You? Learn about talking about actions that are contrary to that person's nature Audio • 14 Minutes 29 Watch Your Japanese Get Better and Better! Learn about understanding train...
Akio is a Japanese name made up of two words: ‘aki,’ which means ‘light or bright,’ and ‘o’, which means ‘man or spouse .’As a result, the word refers to a person with an extremely brilliant and clear appearance. 5. Akira The name Akira is equally as luminous as its ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux