Shows Chao Gai (Jap. Takuto Tenno Chogai), the Heavenly King and Suikoden hero, lifting a stone pagoda which releases a Pandora’s box of gruesome spirits: An enormous white figure with a face on its abdomen, various oni and a brown spirit, its chest holding a twisting snake. From the...
(Shushi in Japanese). To a regime that was trying to rationalize its existence, the Neo-Confucianideologyof heavenly sanction for theempiricalsocial order was enticing. According to this paternalisticethic, the superior was urged to bebenevolentand just, while the inferior was expected to be ...
Japanese Yokai can be cute. On the flipside, they can be utterly evil and scary too! Here are 15 deadly Yokai you’d never want to meet, within or outside of Japan.
I wish him to enjoy his heavenly existance. Under his leadership, japan never went to any war if i am not wrong. If you are famous, have body gaurd properly but highest protection is dhamma. Agreed, but Japanese police are now admitting failures in his personal protection: https://www...
Tenjin天神. Literally "heaven people," referring to the heavenly gods as opposed to the earthly gods. Tenjin also refers to the deified spirit ofSugawara no Michizane菅原道真(845-903). Derived from the combination of the belief in the thunder god (seeFūjin Raijin風神雷神) with the fear of...
Monolingual but still useful for coverage to a beginner! If a word shows up in one of these dictionaries but not an English one, you can just web search/translate to find out more information. [JA-JA] 実用日本語表現辞典 [JA-JA] デジタル大辞泉 [JA-JA Encyclopedia] Pixiv Kanji informa...
the Nuwa legend of the brother-and-sister primordial pair; the Miao cosmic couple; The embracing Sky Father and Mother Earth and the Heavenly Ropevine. The Do-to-Uba and Dosojin couple are more reminiscent of the other not-so-much Primordial or Cosmic Couple, as a genealogical or ancestral...
Representative examples are the statues of the Four Heavenly Kings -- the Shitenno (Shitennō) 四天王, made around +791, but greatly restored in the last half of the 13th century. The four statues have been relocated, and are now housed at Koufukuji (Kōfukuji) Temple 興福寺 in Nara. ...
After them come seven generations of heavenly spirits (Tenjin shichi-dai), namely, Kuni-Tokotachi, Kuni-Satsuchi, Toyokunnu; then the four couples, Uijini and Suijini, Otonoji and Otomabe, Omotaru and Kashikone; finally Izanagi and Izanami, the special creators of Japan and of a number ...
word "TEN" in their names. TEN 天 is the Sino-Japanese character for "deva." It literally means "heaven" or "celestial" and is translated as "heavenly being" or "celestial being." After reading this page, one obvious conclusion is that it seems possible "to begin with any starting ...