In Japan, both the monkey and the fox are guardians against evil Kimon influences. In Japan, the monkey’s role in guarding against demons originates from the Japanese word for monkey (猿, pronounced saru), which is a homonym for the Japanese word “expel” (去る, also pronounced saru)....
June 20, 2015 at 1:55 pm (doujin(同人),otaku word) I have lost my password to log in here. How long have I left my blog? Well, what shall I say first…okay, hi I am bangin, Japanese cosplayer, and the owner of this blog, Japanese words of anime fans, by anime fans, for an...
Japanese Yokai can be cute. On the flipside, they can be utterly evil and scary too! Here are 15 deadly Yokai you’d never want to meet, within or outside of Japan.
meaning-based assigned Kanji).Atejiare a way of using Kanji for their phonetic values disregarding their meanings. For example, the Japanese wordsushiis written {寿司}. Neither of the two characters is related to fish or food ({寿} meanslongevity of one’s lifeand...
The name Inari comes from the Japanese word for rice plant, ina. Inari is a composite of the fox spirit, several gods of agriculture, and the goddess of foodstuff, Uka no Mitama. Inari shrines honor this combined deity. Inari is one of the most widely venerated kami, divine beings, in...
—Slides and text for “Brotherhood of Word and Sight”: Yapı Kredi Cultural Activities, Arts & Publishing Can Göknil Exhibition Catalogue, 1-30 November, 2002 It is our goal to study and explore as many as possible themes of myth and legend, as well as the cultural ritual practices...
Fox. Kitsune have become closely associated with Inari, a Shinto kami or spirit, and serve as its messengers. The entrance to an Inari shrine is usually marked by one or more vermilion torii (below) and some statues of kitsune, which are often adorned with red yodarekake (votive bibs). ...
It’s hard enough trying to communicate with your parents as a kid, but for Tiến, he doesn’t even have the right words because his parents are struggling with their English. Is there a Vietnamese word for what he’s going through? Is there a way to tell them he’s gay? Buy ...
word "TEN" in their names. TEN 天 is the Sino-Japanese character for "deva." It literally means "heaven" or "celestial" and is translated as "heavenly being" or "celestial being." After reading this page, one obvious conclusion is that it seems possible "to begin with any starting ...
If you’re born on the 4th in Japan, too bad for you. The number 4 is considered very unlucky in Japanese culture as the Japanese pronunciation of the number rhymes with the word for death. Much like we do with the number 13, Japaneses hotels often skip the number 4 to avoid any ba...