For Chinese students from this link you have all the derived characters. 貯: savings, store / 貯まる: saving money, 貯金: savings. 財: fortune 販: sells / 販売: to sell, marketing 貨: freight, property 貸: to lend 貿: trade, exchange / 貿易 foreign trade 買: buy 貴: precious, ...
2024 Thailand, a manufacturing hub for Japanese, U.S. and increasingly Chinese automakers, is now attracting Korean carmakers too. Lila MacLellan, Fortune Asia, 8 Aug. 2024 During a five-day research trip last month, underwater archaeologists successfully located three World War II shipwrecks on...
Luxurious tarot card packs developed there in the 15th century, first as gaming cards and latterly as a mysterious means of fortune telling. Tarot’s origins were linked to ancient Egypt and the Far East and these cards were exported back there, transforming themselves, (as we have seen) to...
Click an example's DETAILS link for grammar and inflection information. Click a word to view details for that word. Showing first 5 examples. SEE ALL » トランプ うらな 占いをしてあげましょう。 Let me tell you your fortune with cards. きのう 昨日の えきしゃ 易者の うらな 占い...
(to the left of the photo) is a typical Chinese phrase of hope for good fortune (something like “the source of money spreads widely”). The middle is billion in simplified Chinese (one reader suggests the Chinese character circled in the middle is “5” or “go” in Japanese, which ...
From the Heian period onward, Dakiniten was invoked in various esoteric rites in Japan to gain complete mastery in human affairs, to hex one's enemies, to win favor at court, to pray for good fortune, and other matters. In Hindu mythology, the Dakini are a class of wrathful female ...
Check out this Japanese proverb: 笑う門には福来たる (Warau kado ni wa fuku kitaru)Laughter will bring luck. / Fortune comes to those who laugh/smile Let’s break this down: The Standard Way to Say Laugh in Japanese There are a variety of …Read more ...
These Japanese Peruvians went to Japan with the hope of making a fortune and then to return to Peru. Consequently, Japan received a flood of Japanese descendants from Latin American, mainly from Brazil and Peru, in search of work.41 Meanwhile, the economic crisis in Peru increased ...
The name "Arayashiki" most likely comes from the Japanese word for the Buddhist Yogacharan concept of a store consciousness, the idea that karmic occurrences are "stored" in the unconscious and affect our karma and perceptions of the world. ...
The Japanese word "shiawase," means fortune, good fortune and/or happiness. A more formal term for good fortune is “shiawase desu.”