Tsunami is a Japanese word for a long,destructive(摧毁性的) ocean wave caused by an undersea earthquake. The goal of the anniversary is tolearn from disasters of the past and to prepare for the future. Two tsunamis in the last 15 years have changedthe way people around the world think ...
地震[じしん]:earthquake 手術[しゅじゅつ]:surgical operation 火傷[やけど]:burn 課題[かだい]:task, assignment 子[こ]:young child, kid 確認[かくにん]:confirmation 実際[じっさい]:reality, actual state 国際[こくさい]:international 会議[かいぎ]:conference, meeting 提案[ていあ...
Tsunami is a Japanese word for a long, destructive(摧毁性的) ocean wave caused by an undersea earthquake. The goal of the anniversary is to learn from disasters(灾害) of the past and to prepare for the future. Two tsunamis in the last 15 years have changed the way people around the ...
//www3.nhk.or.jp/news/easy/article/disaster_earthquake_02.html - https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/easy/tsunamikeihou/index.html -M --missingno very rarely an article will not have kana or kanji for a Ruby tag; to not raise an error, this will use previously scraped data to fill it ...
March 11, 2011 Japan Anniversary Earthquake & Tsunami that Struck Japan & Radioactive Detection in the Pacific Coast Ocean - Help Japan2:46 pm Wednesday, 12 March, 2025 2025 Samurai: 700 Years of Armor from the Esteemed Collection of Ann & Gabriel Barbier-Mueller: the Culture, Lifestyle, &...
3 robot is called "Otonoaroid"-the combination of the Japanese word for adult with "android". The first pieces of news read by the robots 4 on an imaginary earthquake in Tokyo. The robots' creator is a leading robotics professor, Hiroshi Ishiguro. He did not 5 when robots would read ...
3 robot is called"Otonoarvid” —the combination(组合) of the Japanese word for adult with " android". The first pieces of news 4 by the robots were about an earthquake in Tokyo and a raid(袭击) by the F B L .Hiroshi Ishiguro who created the robots is a 5scientist. He did not ...
Just take the last100 yearsfor example. The people of Japan have endured the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, the Great Kobe Earthquake of 1995 and the Great Tohoku Earthquake of 2011 resulting in a devastating tsunami and nuclear meltdown...
used in all SHAREFUN® products, and the fundoshi are fully produced by hand at their factory in Fukushima prefecture. One reason for this is their dedication to top quality, but the other is to support the revitalization of the regions affected by the 2011 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake. ...
//www3.nhk.or.jp/news/easy/article/disaster_earthquake_02.html - https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/easy/tsunamikeihou/index.html -M --missingno very rarely an article will not have kana or kanji for a Ruby tag; to not raise an error, this will use previously scraped data to fill it ...