Just replace A with the item or place you are looking for and replace B with a question word どこ (doko) meaning where. Naomi, can we hear the sentence again? Naomi: トイレはどこですか?(Toire wa doko desu ka?) Jessi: トイレはどこですか? (Toire wa doko desu ka?) One more ...
You really need to draw out that “ii” sound otherwise the word ie means “house.” Chotto ちょっと meaning “it’s a little…” is another way to say no in Japanese depending on context. Reader’s Tip: Another handy replacement for “iie” is daijyobu desu 大丈夫です. It can ...
” After all, the prefixinoften negates another word:invisible = not visible,incomplete = not complete,inexpensive = not expensive etc. His confusion was totally reasonable and we spent a moment discussing this particular word and how, in this case, the word has a meaning more like “beyond...
10. Sankyu / Azassu / Domo - Thanks! [san kyu] [azass] [do:mo] Sankyu,Azassu, andDomoare casual ways of saying "Thanks!" to your buddies in Japan. - Sankyu is a playful pronunciation of "Thank you!" - Azassu is an abbreviated and very casual form of Arigatou gozaimasu. - Domo...
@DomotyThanks for your explanation. While I have your attention, can I ask you two more questions? What does your example of 私は男だと書いてある mean? Does it mean "It has been written I am a male." or "I have written it is a male"? If it means only one of them, how to...
Standard Japanese has five vowel phonemes, i.e., sounds that make a difference in word meaning.Vowels can be short or long. Vowel length makes a difference in word meaning, e.g.,ojisan‘uncle’ andojiisan‘grandfather.’ Other Japanese dialects may have as few as three and as many as...
This is basically the same withdomo arigatouand is mainly used in the Kansai area. Likesumimasen, this word also has another meaning and can be used to say “please” in Japanese. 9. ありがとうございました – Arigatou Gozaimashita ...
While they were being imported the characters kept their original Chinese meanings, called onyoumi or on reading, but were also given the equivalent meaning in Japanese, called the kunyoumi or kun reading. For example:The character 山, meaning mountain, can be read as san, the onyoumi, as ...
Written records suggest that arigato did not take on its current meaning until after the Heian period (8th–12th century AD).An interesting theory proposes that arigato may have been influenced by the Portuguese wordobrigado,meaning thank you. This idea stems from the significant impact Portuguese ...
Many still wear the formal costumes of Shikoku Pilgrims - the sedgehat, the wooden staff, the white suit and pouches, all bearing their motto written in calligraphy 同行二人 (dougyou ninin) meaning "Daishi and I, going together" or 南無大師遍照金剛 (Namu Daishi Henjo Kongo) meaning "I ...