A viral TikTok video shows an old, unique way to multiply using sticks. The origins of the multiplication method aren't clear. It may come from China, Japan, or somewhere else. Whatever the roots, this way to multiply likely wasn't meant to look cool, but rather, be practical. A Tik...
Admittedly the idea of total immersion works fantastic for the first 90% of a language. Really. If you’re aiming for functional fluency, I think grabbing a bunch of native materials and stewing in them is probably the most absolutelypainlessway to bring your abilities up. It’s definitely n...
It's a tool to learn multiplication tables. I remember struggling through my times tables at school. Even now I dread being asked to multiply numbers on the spot. This is not a fear that many Japanese people have. From the age of seven, children learn their times tables using the kuku ...
January First-of-May says October 11, 2017 at 12:05 pm Mistaking Polish for Japanese is quite a stretch! As, IIRC, I had already mentioned on LH previously, the inventor of Karatsuba multiplication (the first known fast multiplication method for large numbers) is commonly believed to be ...
The multiplication of sales options for new brands has greatly levelled the playing field, but this makes standing out more important. One way thatPaisleyis doing this is with a special edition of its accessories inspired by famous artists. The first in the series features Mexican surrealist pain...
I've seen code that will overload operator '%' to mean dot product or operator Vector * Vector to do piece-wise vector multiplication. It doesn't make sense to make the * operator for cross product because that only exists in 3D, what if you wanted to do: some_2d_vec * some_2d_...
Chapter 7 The Teaching of Multidigit Multiplication in the Japanese Approach Masami Isoda, Raimundo Olfos, and Takeshi Noine This chapter illustrates the process of the teaching multi-digit multiplication in rela- tion to Chap. 1, Fig. 1.1 as follows. Firstly, the diversity of ...
multiplication of decimal numbers.Footnote13Another reason is related to the shortage of the capacity of working memory. If we limit working memory, procedures are very convenient and firster for doing multiplication. Students do not need to consider the meaning ofA, because the numbers given in ...
On one occasion, as part of our larger study, two US teachers were preparing a set of special lessons on understanding matrix multiplication (what it means in a particular context and why we multiply matrices with what otherwise seems as an arbitrary procedure). The Japanese colleagues asked the...