To bridge this gap, the present investigation explored Japanese students’ attitudes towards learning English. The research also examined the interplay between attitudes and academic motivation from Japanese students’ perspectives. In doing so, a closed-ended survey was given to 417 elementary and high...
English | 日本語 (Japanese) | 繁體中文 (Chinese) | 简体中文 (Chinese) The latest additions 🎉 Hugging Face 🤗 We have added a feature to the search tool🔍 that allows you to search by NLP research field. You can now search through 1,750+ repositories! We have released a new dat...
Simply upload a English or Japanese document and click "Translate" 2 Translate full documents to and from English and instantly download the result with the original layout preserved 3 Translate English documents to Japanese in multiple office formats (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, OpenOffice, text...
—. 2004. Tango no Bunkatekiimi —‘ Furendo’ wa ‘tomodachi’ ka or Cultural Meaning of English Words — Is ‘Friend’ equal to ‘Tomodachi’? Tokyo: Sanseido. Google Scholar —. 2006. ‘What Are the Ultimate Purposes of English Education? — Three Kinds of Education Imposed on TEFL...
ヲ o ロ ro ヨ yo モ mo ホ ho ノ no ト to ソ so コ ko オ o o Download the Katakana Chart Image Katakana may not be used as extensively as hiragana, but it provides an interesting advantage to English speakers. Gairaigo (外来語), or borrowed words, is primarily written in katakana...
English in Japan and Japanese in the United State in this bidirectional study are foreign languages and not second languages. This study specifically examines the willingness to speak a foreign language in a classroom context. However, previous research uses the term L2 and foreign language often ...
Download the audio files: To learn expressions without looking at screens, with the bilingual version. To listen to voices anywhere, anytime. Print the PDF that corresponds to the audio files: You have a relaxing visual aid. While traveling, you can access the content without being glued to ...
English pptx Detailed references Everything on "Film production worldwide" in one document: edited and divided into chapters, including detailed references. Go to report Marlene Greenfield Vice President, Hearst Magazines Statistics on"Film production worldwide" ...
Be aware that the non-English dictionaries contain fewer entries than their English counterparts. Even if your primary language is not English, you may consider also importing the English version for better coverage. JMdict(Japanese vocabulary) ...
Compared to English, Japanese pronunciation is easier as it has less vowels and consonants than English does. Further, each syllable in Japanese has the same length and strength, as opposed to English where you have to be careful about which syllables to stress and speak strongly. As such, do...