When talking about someone else’s younger sister, 妹さん (いもうとさん, imōtosan) is used to show respect. Grandparents 祖父母 (そふぼ, sofubo) means grandparents. Grandmother The word for grandmother is お婆さん (おばあさん, obaasan). This is the term used to refer to your ...
The family term is written in Japanese letters, called kanji, just below the sound file. The third column repeats the pattern of the first, but for terms, you would use when talking about another person's family. English WordTalking about your familyTalking about another's family father ...
弟[おとうと]:younger brother 手[て]:hand 十日[とおか]:ten days, tenth of the month 口[くち]:mouth 夏[なつ]:summer 七つ[なんあつ]:seven things 時々[ときどき]:sometimes 何[なに]:what 人[ひと]:person 一人[ひとり]:one person 一日[ついたち]:first of the month...
15. 兄 ( あに ) / お兄さん (おにいさん) — Big Brother 16. 姉 (あね) / お姉さん (おねえさん) — Big Sister 17. 弟 (おとうと) — Younger Brother 18. 妹 (いもうと) — Younger Sister 19. 社長 (しゃちょう) — President 20. 副社長 (ふくしゃちょう) — Vice Preside...
Shimaican be used when talking about your own or anybody’s sisters, whether they are older or younger. Meanwhile,kyoudaican be used regardless of gender, even if it is made up of the kanji for older brother (兄) and younger brother (弟). ...
おとうと younger brother さんばんめ the third start high, goes low H(L) HL(L) HLL(L) HLLL(L) HLLLL(L) か fire うみ ocean ホテル hotel ポップス pops かとうさん Mr./Mrs. Katou goes high in the middle LHL(L) LHLL(L) LHLLL(L) からい spicy どようび Saturda...
Otooto(弟): Younger brother Imooto(妹): Younger sister Otona (大人): Adults Kodomo (子供): Children Kareshi (彼氏): Boyfriend Kanojo(彼女): Girlfriend Otoko-no-hito(男の人): Man Onna-no-hito(女の人): Woman Food and drink Japan has an incredible food culture and history. The capi...
The tale can be found in the story, Tsuchigumo soshi, from the fourteenth century and it is widely held that the Tsuchigumo is a stand-in for the unruly, the disloyal and the rebellious. The term seems in the past to have referred to disloyal clans from the middle ages and most ...
15 2. GENDER AND LANGUAGE Today, the word 'gender' is a widely accepted term that we come across in many aspects of our daily lives. From legal application forms to Internet shopping, we are asked to designate our gender by, most commonly, alternative check boxes: male or female. Gender...
In 1967 he handed down Kyusetsu to his younger brother and he changed his professional name to "Kyuwa" in his retirement. In 1970, during his later life, he was accredited for his achievements and received recognition as a holder of important intangible cultural heritage (a human national ...