Hinata can mean sunny place or towards the sun. The gender-neutral name Hinata can also be a non-standard reading of 向日葵, or Himawari, meaning sunflower. To avoid confusion, instead of using kanji, Hinata is often written as ひなた, using hiragana, or or asヒナタ, using katakana. 27...
The Western calendar is widely known and used in Japan, but the name of the era(gengou)is still used to date official documents. The year in which an Emperor ascended to the throne would be the first year of a new era, and it continues until his death. The current gengou is Heisei ...
village and so on. These surnames are originally derived from place names or village names. In addition, there are many surnames that represent natural phenomena and social life. To the people under the sun and the moon and the stars to flower, ...
In addition, there are many surnames that represent natural phenomena and social life. To the people under the sun and the moon and the stars to flower, from home to the occupation of religious belief, almost all can be used as a surname. For example: Takasaki, meaning the protruding part...
Surnamesoccurwithvaryingfrequencyin differentregions;forexample,thenamesChinen(知念),Higa(比嘉),and Shimabukuro(島袋)arecommoninOkinawabutnotinotherpartsofJapan;thisis mainlyduetodifferencesbetweenthelanguageandcultureofYamatopeopleand Okinawans.ManyJapanesefamilynamesderivefromfeaturesoftherurallandscape; ...