Finally, Labrune (2014) uses vowel coalescence across /r/ in the Ryukyuan languages in an attempt tosupport the phonological emptiness of /r/ in (Standard) Japanese. However, it is dangerous to use data fromone dialect to argue for the phonological nature of a structure in another dialect,...
Copies were determined by running standard series of viral RNA by absolute quantification. miR-432 overexpression reduced viral copies in supernatant at both time points. (C) Western blots showing downregulation of viral NS1 protein upon miR-432 overexpression at 24 and 48 hours post infection. ...
The maquilas studied are undertaking highly standard- ized activities where quality can be effectively "inspected in." This differs markedly, however, from first-time quality, which is the mark of true wntinu- ous quality production of the sort achieved by Japanese plants in Japan and by the ...
Since GTEx eQTL analyses were performed using standardized expression values, we used a value of 1.0 for the standard deviation of expression trait values in the analysis using coloc.abf. Figure plotting. Self-written R programs were used to produce many figures, with others done using out...
This study examined the effects of the standard model of family psychoeducation (SM-FPE) in Japan on the mental health of relatives who care for young patients with a psychotic disorder. Methods Stratified by recent-onset/chronic psychosis, 74 caregivers of outpatients aged 30.1 years (mean)...
When LVMT-drying was successful, residual stresses in timber-with-pith were reduced to nearly zero, and warps in timber-without-pith were reduced to less than 8mm, i.e., below the Japan Agriculture Standard "Level 1" for 4000mm timber, and the acceptance rate for "Level 1" increased ...
[2] This IKUTAGAWA MARU is the 1944 built 2D standard type, not ex-Italian CALITEA II renamed IKUTAGAWA MARU by the Japanese. Thanks go to Dr. Higuchi Tatsuhiro of Japan and Mr. Erich Muhlthaler of Germany. Thanks for assistance with COs go to Matthew Jones of Tennessee. Thanks also ...
Only the Japanese 2-CD standard edition has CDs that were pressed in Japan. The deluxe 3-CD edition that was sold in Japan was an import from Holland.Promotional Information: Advance promotional copies were issued on two CD-Rs (catalog number: TOCP 70300 / TOCP 70301) with no cover....
Real-time PCR An aliquot of the purified first strand cDNA templates was used to prepare the standard curve cDNA template mixture (calibrated sample), while the remainder was diluted to half the concentration for the real-time PCR. Real-time PCR was performed using an ABI Prism 7000 (Applied...
Real-time RT PCR This method was used to quantify JEV RNA in plasma and supernatant from duplicate and homogenized tonsils, lymph nodes, and brain using infectious GI and/or GIII JEV plasmids as the copy-number standard. Total RNA in the cell-mixed plasma or tissues samples was extracted by...